Timeline of the Left-wing insurgency in Greece

This timeline is about the conflict Left-wing insurgency in Greece.
* 23 December 1975 - The CIA station chief in Athens Richard Welch was shot and killed by 17N members.
* 13 December 1976 - The former intelligence Chief of the Greek security police, Evangelos Mallios was shot and killed by a 17N member.
* 16 January 1980 - Deputy Director Pantelis Petrou of the riot squad (MAT) and his driver Sotiris Stamoulis are killed in the Athens neighborhood, Pangrati.
* 17 February 2009 - A shooting at the headquarters of Alter TV linked to the Sect of Revolutionaries, which caused no injuries.
* 17 June 2009 - Two leftist urban guerrillas assassinated an anti-terrorist police officer, following the 2008 riots. After the attack, the group of the Sect of Revolutionaries released a statement in which they warned, "Journalists, this time we came to your door, but next time you will find us in your homes."
* 3 July 2009 - Suspected bomb attack on a McDonald's in Athens Ambelokipi district causes "extensive damage."
* 2 September 2009 - Explosion outside the Athens stock exchange causing minor injuries to one woman and significant damage to the surrounding area. A second bomb in Thessaloniki causing minor damage and no injuries.
* 13 May 2010 - A bomb exploded outside Korydallos Prison in Athens, injuring a woman. Police suspected the Revolutionary Struggle.
* 14 May 2010 - Only one day after the bomb-explosion in Athens, a second bomb exploded in the court of Thessaloniki. One person was injured. The building got heavily damaged inside.
* 25 June 2010 - A parcel bomb exploded within the Greek Ministry of Public Order. The bomb was addressed to the Minister of Public Order, Michalis Chrysohoidis, but was instead opened by Giorgos Vassilakis, his aide. Giorgos was killed in the attack. While not immediately claimed by Revolutionary Struggle, Greek terrorism expert Dr Athanasios Drougas said the attack was likely carried out by the group.
* 19 July 2010 - A journalist called Sokratis Giolias was Assassinated in a suspected attack of the group Sect of Revolutionaries.
* 30 December 2010 - A motorcycle bomb caused major damage to an Athens courthouse, but caused no injuries, as police had evacuated the area after a warning call. The online proclamation was signed "Conspiracy Nuclei of Fire".
* 18 May 2011 - A shootout occurred in an Athens suburb between police officers and an individual suspected to be linked to the SPF. Two officers were wounded, as was the suspect. The suspect's fingerprints were allegedly found in an apartment in Volos where numerous SPF members had been previously arrested. A second suspect was reported to have been involved in the shootout, but it is unclear whether that individual was apprehended.
* 10 April 2014 - Car bomb attack on a Bank of Greece and a Piraeus Bank headquarters in central Athens. 76 kg of explosives located in a car went off destroying front facades of buildings around. No persons injured. The action was claimed later by Revolutionary Struggle in Athens Indymedia.
* 13 October 2016 - Conspiracy Nuclei of Fire has claimed responsibility for a bomb blast outside a bookshop in central Athens that caused extensive damages but no injuries. According to a posting on a left-wing website, the group accused prosecutor Georgia Tsatani of corruption and excessive severity in her handling of a case involving the wife of a convicted group member.
* 10 November 2016 - A policeman, who had been on guard, was wounded when unknown assailants threw a hand grenade at the French embassy building.
* 9 January 2017 - A police officer was wounded in central Athens as shots were fired outside the offices of the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Party.
* 25 January 2017 - The Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei took responsibility for six arson attacks on various establishments including a bank and a post office.
* 16 March 2017 - A parcel bomb meant for German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble was intercepted. Greek neo-nihilist group the Conspiracy of Fire Cells claimed responsibility for sending that device. They are also suspected of having sent the parcel bomb that injured an IMF employee in Paris on 16 March. The letter was sent from Greece.
* 19 April 2017 - A small explosive device detonated outside a building housing Eurobank offices in central Athens, damaging its entrance and shattering windows, police said. No wounded were reported.
* 7 November 2017 - Militants shot members of the riot police when they are parked in the downtown in Athens, Greece the group Organization for Revolutionary Self-Defense.
* 22 December 2017 - A bomb exploded outside one of Greece's main courthouses in Athens, police had cleared the area and nobody was hurt. The group Popular Fighters Group claim responsibility for the attack
* 26 February 2018 - Militants threw a grenade towards the police station of Kaisariana, a town near Athens, injuring a civilian. An unknown anarchist group called itself Armed Revolutionary Struggles claim responsibility for the attack and warns escalate of attacks.
* 3 March 2018 - A series of attacks against stores, post office, riot police and ministry buildings were reported in Athens. These acts they are in response against the holding of a suspected terrorist at Larissa prison.
* 24 March 2018 - An explosion in Athens was claimed by an unknown new guerrilla group called Circle of Asymmetric Urban Warfare-Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front (FAI-FAR) no one was injured.
* 8 May 2018 - At least 14 people were arrested (13 Greeks and one foreign national) under charges of terrorist organization and money laundering.These arrests are part of the investigation for the sending letter bombs against former prime minister Lucas Papademos and others to 10 European officials in the period between March and May 2017.
* 3 July 2018 - A Greek citizen doing his military service in Cyprus was arrested in Nicosia for depositing money in an account used by the perpetrators who sent letter bombs against former Prime Minister Lucas Papademos and others to 10 European officials.
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