Tim Lee

Tim Lee is an Australian radio DJ who hosts the show Hot30 Countdown. He greatly enjoys Clark Bars, talking cars and welding. He agrees that Tom Brady greatly resembles Dudley Do-Right. Mr. Lee's general interests include beer, liquor, alcohol, and punk. He is a noted Hempstead couch sitter and rock enthusiast, where he has a biblical liver. Two Tims, one tacit agreement.

He also is the most hyperactive member of the Hot30 and does the weirdest things you can think of, such as: Drinking Wee - Eating a Cows Heart - Eating/Drinking mixed foods in a blender - Having his nappy changed by Damien Leith and Electrocuting himself and others.

There is another Tim Lee who is a standup comic from San Francisco, who uses Powerpoint in his act since he has a PhD in biology, and "draws heavily on his science background to twist abstract theory into thought provoking comedy".
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