The Word Forest Organisation

The Word Forest Organisation Is a UK based environmental charity. The charity was founded in April 2017 by environmentalists Tracey West and Simon West.
Their work involves raising environmental awareness, reforestation, building classrooms, and supporting women’s empowerment groups in Kenya. They also raise environmental awareness and plants trees in the UK.
The Word Forest Organisation stemmed from the literary contest 'The Magic Oxygen Literary Prize', which was first run in 2014 and was established by Mary and Simon West. The premise behind the contest was that for every entrant a tree would be planted in Boré, Kenya. The contest went on to generate enough work to evolve into a charity. The forest itself would then subsequently go on to be named the ‘Word Forest’. Entries for the competition were £5, with the winners sharing a prize of £3000.
The initial entry fees also paid for classrooms in Kenya. The first example of this being at the Kundeni primary school; where The Word Forest Organisation helped to replace unsafe mud structures and construct solid stone classrooms. Since the beginnings of the contest the charity has now built five classrooms and more than 147,000 trees in Boré, Kenya.
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