The Prince And The Program

The Prince and The Program is a science fiction romance novel by author Aldous Mercer.
The text features a hypothetical scenario in which the mythological figure of Mordred from the Arthurian legend takes up a job as a Software Engineer and eventually starts a (platonic) romantic relationship with the ghost of Alan Turing.
Throughout the book both main characters become engaged in multiple intellectual discussions involving computer science. The work mixes various popular genres of geek culture and combines them with satiric elements.
The chapters introduce a wide variety of mythological and fictional characters with a number of references to works of William Shakespeare and the English classics, linking them to modern society through means of technology. Most noticeable is a chapter containing a conversation partly written in , that is meant to actually compile as a computer program.
Parts of the text are claimed to contain challenges in computer science or mathematics. In respect to Alan Turing's 100th birthday the publisher announced
* QR Code: The cover art of the book features a QR code, which contains a quote from Alan Turing:
* Epitaph: When laid out in sequence, all the HH:MM times in the book with the HH and MM converted to binary then converted back to ASCII spell out the following quote:
* 4TEHLULZ: The named streets in the book, when traced in order of appearance, spell out "4 TEH LULZ" on a map of Toronto.
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