The Powder Toy

The Powder Toy is a downloadable falling sand type game. It provides the player a sandbox where he/she can create particles of different elements and mix compounds. It also allows for the creation of electronics, something not found in many or games of this type.
Powder Toy is written in C coding format, and is under the GNU Public License (GPL). Because it is under this license, the source code is free to download for everyone. While all players may take the code and create their own elements, the stable release is by Simon Robertshaw (Also known simply as "Simon" on the website). The game was originally designed by Stanislaw Skowronek (Skylark), who created most of the original elements, walls, and game mechanics. The game now currently contains 146 elements, walls, and Game of Life particles. The game also simulates pressure, airflow, basic reactions, electrical simulation, light, photosynthesis, and Newtonian gravity (only for light and radiation).
This game is also used in some areas as an educational device. This is mainly due to the games large amount of elements with different characteristics. This allows many different reactions to occur, helping to spark any future chemists imagination and curiosity.
There is also an online community of thousands worldwide, meaning different groups with different background and artistic diversity.
The game's online fan base is monitored by a group of administrators.
The game also has it's very own Facebook page
There is also a help section. This also includes tutorials.
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