The Phora

The Phora is a modestly-sized, yet enormously active English language Internet forum dedicated to discussions of politics, history, philosophy, science, religion, the occult and paranormal, and an array of additional topics of social significance. As of August 2010, the site had only just over 2,400 registered members, but this relatively small membership had managed to generate over 870,000 posts in over 61,000 separate threads. The forum software is vBulletin.
The present incarnation of The Phora was launched in August 2005, but earlier versions date back to 2002. The Phora's mission is to serve as "a 'free speech' forum where people from all walks of life and ideological persuasion meet for discussion of all the issues of the past, present, and future." To that end, The Phora "does not endorse any political, religious, or racial opinion, except for the right to dissent through speech and/or thought." Due to this policy, The Phora has attracted many posters who are often banned at other sites for their controversial opinions.
While primarily an English-language forum, The Phora does have active sub-forums devoted to discussions in Dutch and Serbo-Croatian.
Controversy and criticism
In the immediate aftermath of the Virginia Tech massacre, The Phora came under criticism from the Anti-Defamation League, which characterized it as "an anti-Semitic Internet forum." The Phora staff disputes this assertion, and sees the controversy as a misunderstanding of the nature of an Internet forum devoted to a near-absolutist approach to freedom of speech.
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