The 'MySpace Is YourSpace' Dating Technique From Julian Foxx

I'll be blunt.

This trick is plain ol' dirty.

And at first there was no way I was going to include it in my newsletter, but when I saw how ridiculously effective it was...
I changed my mind.

I can only hope that Zoe, Erica, and Natalia never read this email.

I call this technique:

'Yourspace IS Myspace'

And if you haven't already figured it out, you need to have myspace, facebook, or some kind of online dating profile to make this work.

So let's look at a typical seduction scenario...

You get her phone number, and either

a) start some texting going back and forth


b) call her up and get her on the phone

Either way, one of your goals should be to find out specific things that she is interested in, or better yet, passionate about.

Here are a few examples of the type of information we're after-

'She loves Star Wars but hates Jar Jar Binks, she is crazy about mojitos, a German Shepard saved her as a child, etc.'

Now, as we are SUBTLY gathering this type of information from her, we are also simultaneously logged in to our Myspace account.  

And you guessed it, we are quickly editing our own personal details to match hers.  

Of course you want to use a little imagination here... One of the girls I actually did this with told me she liked Star Wars, but hated Jar Jar Binks... So I immediately put 'Star Wars' as one of my favorite movies and added in parenthesis- (but Jar Jar Binks is dead if I ever see him on the street)

After I had gathered one or two more pieces of personal information from her, I immediately accused her of stalking my myspace profile.  (Keep in mind I had already made the changes)  

The conversation went something like this:

Me: "Ok Zoe, listen, I already think you're awesome...You don't have to pretend that you have all these things in common with me...

Zoe: "What are you talking about? I'm not pretending!"

Me:  "Oh come onnn, you obviously found my myspace profile and are havin' a good time with me right now..."

Zoe: "No way! I didn't!"

Me:  "Okkkk..." (still not believing her)

Zoe: "What's your myspace?"

Me:  "I think you already know, but just for kicks its******"

(she looks)

Zoe: "No WAAAAAY! This is unbelievable!"

And what resulted was nothing less than INSTANT BONDING. Not just did she (and the others I've tried this with) completely buy it, but my perceived status was actually higher than hers because it was still her job to persuade ME that she wasn't trying to seduce ME.  

Of course at some point you want to discard the 'playful suspicion'and acknowledge with her that there is something pretty special going on.

And when you do reach that point where you are both mutually excited about everything you have in common, you have a gift wrapped opportunity to phase shift into "logistics." (When you make plans for the date)

The genius of this is you will have so many different viable options as to what to do with her;  You could watch Phantom Menace together while drinking mojitos and shouting obcenities at Jar Jar.

The point is you will know exactly what to do together, because "you love so many of the same things."


Hey, I warned you this technique might be considered a bit underhanded and definitely cheesy.

I, for one, have always been much more concerned with what works.


PS: If you are using Facebook or Myspace, make sure the setting that allows people to see when you've made updates to your profile is off.

PPS: It is important that she HAS NOT ACTUALLY SEEN your profile previously.


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