The Man From Mercury

The Man From Mercury is an independant film series created in the year 2002. The series follows the life and journeys of SSM (Space Saving Men) agents Bill Fond and Ron-Don Kemeza. The series has been critically acclaimed by many, and is especiall popular at Stonehill College. The series is produced by Bernardfilm Ltd. and is based out of Hingham, Massachusetts. Various towns in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts are featured in the film. The towns include Hingham, Massachusetts, Weymouth, Massachusetts, Hanover, Massachusetts, Quincy, Massachusetts, and Orleans, Massachusetts.

Episode I: Shexon Rising-The Beginning

Plot Summary

A child is born on a dark rainy night, the sight of this child is so horrific the parents abandon him in a field. That night Mercurians invade and abduct the baby. The baby is named Shexon. The leader of the Mercurians is an alien named Zedorax. Zedorax does experiments on this shexon, and the child comes out unnaturally strong with super-human powers such as shapeshifting. In light of the newly discovered mercurian species the United States Government and NASA found the Space Saving Men (SSM) to attempt to keep peace with the mercurians. Zedorax is willing to keep peace with earth, and does so. Shexon, who is now a general in the mercurain army is infuriated by this because of his hatred for humankind. Shexon assasinates Zedorax and gains control of Mercury. When SSM receives notice that Shexon has gained power, president Noxehs of SSM decides it is best for them to send up an agent to mercury to negociate peace with Shexon. Shexon accepts this oppurtunity. Ssms 2 top agents are Jim-Bob Kemeza and Shane FondThere is a series of contests between the two to see who will be the one who will go to mercury. Jim-bob wins overall and is sent to mercury. When he arrives on mercury he is welcomed whole heartedly by Shexon. Shexon asks Jim-Bob to have a seat. Immediatley after sitting down he is locked into the chair and moved into a strange looking machine. Shexon presses some buttons and then there is a "who goes there?!" and out steps Jim-Bob Kemeza mutated into the first "Man from Mercury". Jim-bob is brainwashed to an extent at which he must follow the orders of shexon. Meanwhile on earth ssm wonders why it has taken Jim-Bob so long to return, so they decide to send up shane fond to find out whats the problem. Shane Fond is about to leave for mercury, when he is paged and told that there is an enemy inside ssm headquarters. Shane goes to solve the problem and is locked in battle with the enemy. Shane kills the Mercurian who was sent to destroy SSM, and the partially mutated face of Jim-Bob kemeza is revealed. Shane crys and decides he must get revenge on Shexon.


Man from Mercury is a sci-fi action thriller that keeps you on the
edge of your seat. It helps die-hard fans better understand the
pasts and helps to clarify the future. The Man from Mercury is a
must see, with more action and better graphics and special
effects than any other. This edition only ensures that Man from
Mercury has a future. It was a great combination of sounds, thrill,
action and comedy, and was very enjoyable. -Pat

Episode II: The Man From Mercury Two

Plot Summary

50 years after the destruction of the first man from mercury, Jim-Bob Kemeza, Shexon has built up his army of “Men from Mercury” and is ready to invade earth. Bill Fond, the great grandson of Shane Fond, is called to get together a group of agents to go to Mercury to destroy Shexon. Bill meets up with Shane for advice. After Bill leaves the room Shane is abducted by Shexon and brought to Mercury. Shane is tortured by Shexon and Shexon tells him that because he destroyed Jim-Bob he is going to turn Shane into a Man from Mercury and serve him. Shane is placed in the slammer for Shexon to deal with later. Back on earth, President Noxehs (suspiciously in charge for over 50 years) sends Bill and a few others to Mercury right away to get Shane and destroy Shexon, and he gives Bill a “slime saber.” All of bills partners are killed and he goes searching frantically through Shexons fortress for his great grandfather. Bill arrives in the great room and finds Shexon plotting out his invasion of earth. Bill lets out a high pitched yelp in which he screams Shexon’s name. Shexons grabs him by the neck and throws him in the slammer. Bill meets up with Shane and they try to find a way out. Bill remembers that President Noxehs gave him a slimesaber and they melt through the door and go to fight Shexon. Shane runs to get Bill’s gun which was previously thrown across the room and Shexon cuts him down before he has the chance to get it. Bill screams in horror at the death of his great grandfather, and begins an epic battle with Shexon. Bill disarms Shexon and cuts his throat. Bill runs to the dying Shane. Shane speaks his last words saying "train your cousin Dan for he is the chosen one". Shane is brought back to earth by Bill and is cremated. President Noxehs mysteriously disappears and Bill is named the new president of SSM.
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