The Love Addicts

The Love Addicts is a contemporary, fictional, American novel written by author Jack B. Savage, and published by Savage Innovation Publishing, LLC. Described by the publisher as "...a story about change, a story about pain, and how those two qualities sometimes relate to each other", perhaps the book's most prominent feature is its compelling undertaking to answer the question, "What is Love?" The novel, copyrighted in early 2008, experienced its first softcover print run in January 2009, and is currently available through the publisher's website, , in Ebook, Softcover, and Hardcover formats. The cover, spine, and back cover were designed by Clyde Yu of Microvac Design Studio.
Plot Summary
Identified by most critics as a 'Coming of Age' story, The Love Addicts, through complex narrative, quests to answer the mystery: What is Love?" In addition, several of the themes addressed throughout the book include youth suicide, drug addiction, Love addiction, and the idealistic search for truth. According to the Savage Innovation Publishing promotional press release, the novel is described as follows:
"A fascinating discordant clash of gritty realism with lush romanticism, The Love Addicts follows the impressionable years of Dean Orpheus, a struggling, albeit insecure, poet. The story begins in medias res with a disillusioned Dean turning to cocaine addiction as a means to cope, and eventually end, his suffering due to being broken off from Eunice, his inamorata of five years, as well as from his life’s purpose- the search for love.
But don't get it twisted, The Love Addicts transcends being just another character study, and succeeds as a stark contrast of perspectives, focused on revealing the truth about love, and influenced by the story's mood, setting, Dean's mindset, and the overwhelming confluence of forces capable of hijacking control over the lives of young people. As Dean continues to poll those around him on what they believe love is, he simultaneously strains to complete his magical book of poetry, which begins to take on a life of its own, pulling Dean and Eunice into fantastic vignettes, each lending its own individual viewpoint on love's nature. As each poem he completes adds another piece to the vast puzzle that will presumably reveal the truth about love Dean's searching for, meanwhile, Dean and his friends struggle with the real world challenges inherent in breathing life into their own dreams, sense of identity, and self-worth. The three distinct timelines converge into a brilliant climax, where all the collected perspectives on love come together, and offer some truth about this complex and powerful emotion, which the author views as the driving force behind our lives.
Though not your typical romance, The Love Addicts is an enjoyable, humorous, and penetrating work on the nature of love and how it affects us all. But take caution, gentle readers, after one hit of The Love Addicts, you may not be able to stop...reading."
It should also be noted that the book uses Dean's entry into psychotherapy as a way to examine what Love is in a Developmental sense, employing psychological concepts such as Attachment Theory, Family Therapy, and Unresolved Issues, in the dialogues between the protagonist and his therapist.
There are also several passages which make allusions likening 'Love' to an addiction, although only one specific entry where it is likened to an actual physiological addiction.
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