The Ley Line of Human Evolution

“The Longitudinal Ley Line of Human Evolution”
Jordan Hofer
Research Specialist: Anthropology
MUFON ID # 17827

The importance of latitude to human evolution has been given considerable attention, perhaps most notably by evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond in his Pultizer Prize winning book Guns, Germs and Steel in which he explains the ultimate reason for the genesis and spread of agriculture in Eurasia.  The effect of longitude on our history and prehistory, however, has been largely ignored.  However, if one follows roughly 45° East Longitude (plus or minus 10°) a statistically large number of important sites fall into line.

1) East Africa, specifically locations in Ethiopia, is the first important point in this mysterious line.  Modern Homo sapiens first evolved here, appearing in the fossil record approximately 160,000 years ago, as well as several much older species in our lineage from much earlier, including Australopithecus afarensis at 3.9 million years ago and Ardipithecus ramidus at 4.4 million years ago.  Most of our evolutionary history occurred in East Africa, so this should be considered the most important region along the line.

2) Following north we pass Mecca, only six degrees of longitude to the west of our line.  In addition to being a sacred place of worship for millions of people, it must also be recalled that at its center is a large meteorite (though its true physical composition has been questioned scientifically), the Black Stone, believed to have come from the time of Adam (six thousand years ago according to Bishop Ussher; twelve thousand years ago if the Eden myth comes from the origins of agriculture).

3) Jerusalem also lies close to our line at 35° East Longitude.  The religious significance of this city to Jews, Christians and Muslims requires no further comment.

4) Next we pass directly between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the known origin of agriculture around 12,000 years ago, and the oft-called “Cradle of Civilization”.  Babylon itself lies directly on the line.

5) Mt. Ararat is the next sacred point on the line, long believed to be the resting place of Noah’s Ark.  However one interprets the myth, the event probably corresponds to an actual historical flood of (pardon the pun) Biblical proportions.

6) Between the Black and Caspian Seas lies Dmanisi, Georgia, where the oldest remains of the first human migration out of Africa are found (Homo georgicus at approximately 1.75 million years ago).  This location is also a known refuge for prehistoric human populations during periods of climate change.

7) If the line is then followed past the North Pole to Longitude 135° West, we pass through the northern migration route of the first humans from Asia to the Americas, dated to approximately 13,000 years ago.

What are we to make of this?  A mere coincidental constellation of important human events? 

Perhaps climate is the explanation, or even some larger as yet unknown galactic ecology.  But these explanations do not seem likely.  As for coincidence, we are looking at seven points of major significance to human history and prehistory, with three of the seven having major religious meaning to Judeo-Christianity and to Islam.  These numbers make the line statistically significant if not less mysterious.

Using the traditional discipline of anthropology gives us no hints whatsoever.  I showed the line to a colleague of mine and she was utterly baffled, admitting to me that I had probably discovered something of significance to anthropology.  But the anti-ufology stance of academia did not allow either of us to make more unorthodox speculations as to its meaning, let alone suggestions for testable hypotheses.

However, if we consider these facts from an evolutionary ufology perspective, a possible testable hypothesis emerges.  Might not 45° East Longitude be a ley line, perhaps the ley line of human evolution? 

Several avenues of research present themselves to test this hypothesis.
We already know that the line contains sacred spiritual locations and extremely significant points of human evolutionary development.  Are there areas along this line of high electromagnetic activity, points of lower gravitational attraction, an array of military installations, multiple sightings of UFOs and higher rates of abductions, greater rates of melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctica, and hidden underwater bases?

If the hypothesis that 45° East Longitude (135° West Longitude) is the ley line of human evolution is supported, then we must ask the next more profound question: Why do these locations appear along a ley line?

The more speculative nature of this mystery must now enter, whether it can be tested or not, though I believe it can and will suggest avenues of research at the end of this article.  The Grays have been on Earth for thousands of years, perhaps hundreds of thousands.  If our ley line hypothesis is stretched just a bit to include the earliest steps of our species from genus Australopithecus and earlier Ardipithecus, then it is possible the Grays have been on Earth, profoundly interacting with our ancestors, for millions of years.  There exists a strong hypothetical basis for the possibility that Grays have been in intimate contact with us for a very long time.

Other UFO researchers, such as the late Budd Hopkins, have given us reasons for why the Grays are interacting with us.  Perhaps it is a breeding program for the creation of hybrids.  But if the Grays have been affecting human history and even prehistory, then their agenda for our evolution has been much broader in time and purpose than we have ever imagined.  Perhaps our very anatomy was planned and “constructed” by the Grays themselves and not, as conventional evolutionary theory demands, by the forces of evolution, specifically natural selection.

The general trend of our evolution for the last six million years can be summarized as a reduction of the gut (from the mouth all the way to the anus) and a massive increase in cranial and brain size (humans possess a brain seven times larger than expected from mammals of a similar body size).  Conventional human evolutionary theory explains these changes.  Our larger brains have allowed us to adapt to a mosaic of environments that emerged in East Africa over the last eight million years, a patchwork through time and space of forested areas, woodlands, and savannah.  Larger brains demand larger crania, and the greater head to body size ratio makes us appear more paedomorphic (childlike) in appearance, exciting the instinct for protection of one another and leading towards greater social cooperation.  The relatively recent explosion in brain size and neural reconstruction occurred a little less than a million years ago, and this has been explained by our discovery of cooking, which reduced the necessity for a robust gut and allowed for the expansion of the brain during fetal development.
If we look at the anatomy of the Grays we see this same trend dramatically extrapolated.  Their heads are enormous with gigantic eyes and they apparently have no gut whatsoever.  Their mouths have been reported as being nothing more than a vestigial flap of where an oral cavity may once have existed.  They have no anus.  This makes it quite probable that they have no gut at all and that the brain has won out in the competition for resources during fetal development.  Their source of nourishment may be chemosynthetic, similar to animals living near hydrothermal vents in the deep oceans, perhaps with endosymbiotic bacteria breaking down compounds like hydrogen sulfide and delivering energy to the Gray body.  This is supported by reports of sulfurous odors (like rotten eggs) emanating from the bodies of the grays.  Reports of their behavior suggest extreme social cooperation with a rigid hierarchy.  And if they are primarily underground dwellers, then all of these traits make sense from an evolutionary perspective.

Perhaps our evolutionary development and that of the Grays are merely parallel in nature.  Or perhaps, and this is where the ley line hypothesis enters, the Grays have been shaping us in their image for millions of years.  Are we an experiment in evolution by a species seeking to understand itself?  What better method to understand one’s own evolution than by recreating it in another species of similar anatomy?  The ley line of human evolution, then, is ultimately dependent on where we first originated geographically, and that this location lies on a ley line already previously used by the Grays for vehicular activity and whatever other activities a ley line facilitates.

To test this hypothesis I have several suggestions that even the lay ufologist can employ to support or deny the assertions in this article.

Many people are disturbed by the facial features of the Grays, in a similar fashion to the instinctual fear of spiders and snakes; this could be tested most effectively by asking a group of 100 people who have no interest in ufology to react to pictures of Gray faces, ranking their uneasiness on a scale of one to ten.  I invite any readers who have never had a close encounter to respond to me (  On a scale of one to ten, with one as “not at all disturbed” and ten as “extremely disturbed”, how do you feel when you see the face of a Gray?  The cover of Whitley Strieber’s Communion should be used as the control.  The more responses I receive, the better our results will be.

Using Google Earth, anyone can search along the ley line for strange underwater formations.  A vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean could be digitally combed for anomalies, a huge undertaking.  Also, it is possible that inhabitants of Pacific islands along this line have had a history of encounters.  Those with knowledge of military base locations could compare the distribution of installations along the line with those well outside its zone of variance.  Geologists with knowledge of electromagnetic hotspots and regions of variable gravity could compare these values along the line with other known areas of electromagnetic and gravitic variance, as well as melt rates of glaciers.  Finally, MUFON itself, with its vast historic catalog of sightings and encounters, could search for reported incidents along the line and determine how active this line may or may not be.
At this point, the longitudinal line of 45° East / 135° West is merely a mystery to be explored.  It may be that there is nothing to this alignment of important historic and prehistoric locations.  The human brain is hardwired to recognize patterns, not all of which are significant to objective reality.  But if this pattern is real then it could connect several disparate points that are in fact significant to the understanding of human history, prehistory and ufology.  If nothing else, this mystery deserves the least consideration by those open to the possibility that a true pattern exists, not merely the coincidental constellation of over-imagination and the driving desire to understand the largest patterns of human evolution and its interaction with an alien species over the span of millions of years.

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