The Interrogation of Cheryl Cooper

The Interrogation of Cheryl Cooper is a 2014 single-take horror film directed by Albert Pyun. Based on a script by Cynthia Curnan, the film is planned as a literal, single 65 minute take with no edits.
Cheryl Cooper (Tommie Vegas) wakes up in what she believes is a interrogation room in a police station where she is interrogated by Detective Ben (Shane Ryan) and young female rookie police officer named Officer Bardo (Brittany Bochart) about being found at an unfinished Las Vegas hotel where there was a mass killing. Both try to get the details from Cheryl and as they do Cheryl begins to remember horrifying details that leads to a reveal of a terrifying secret.
*Shane Ryan as Detective Ben
*Tommie Vegas as Cheryl Cooper
*Brittany Bochart as Officer Bardo
Filming began on March 21, 2014 at the Indie Film Factory Stage in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The Interrogation of Cheryl Cooper had its world premiere on May 2, 2014 in Los Angeles. The film has been selected to open the Las Vegas' Pollygrind Film Festival on October 16, 2014.
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