The International Institute for Homeland Security, Defense and Restoration

The International Institute for Homeland Security, Defense and Restoration (or The International Institute for short) is a public/private not-for-profit 501c (3) organization with the mission of "Partnering with the World for Security, Peace and Economic Development." The International Institute is established as an outgrowth of discussions among international leaders in industry, government, and academia which provides the international forum for the exchange of strategic counter terrorism best practices.
The International Institute was established in 2004 and seeded by a Congressional appropriation in FY'06. International organizations (i.e. NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization, WCO-World Customs Organization, EU-European Union, EDA-European Defense Agency) and U.S. congress and interagency (including DOD-Department of Defense, DHS-Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, Department of Justice and Health and Human Services all strongly support the mission and goals of The International Institute.
Recent accomplishments
The International Institute provides innovative financial mechanisms and social economic strategies that strengthen critical national and local infrastructures. With a focus on Economic Security, the International Economic Development Authority (IEDA) is focused on supporting global economic development goals at the local level with micro and macro economic solutions by facilitating cooperation with private and public sector organizations globally. With expertise in building sustainable growth, the IEDA facilitates institutional investment financing, public debt financing and private sector ventures.
2015-2020 Global Economic Security Initiative (GESI) strategy provides an accelerated approach to economic development by leveraging existing global agreements, investments and "Centers of Excellence" to fast track global cooperation program to build businesses, create jobs and manufacturing opportunities for communities.
In 2015, the International Institute serves as a global innovation hub for technology advancements in financial sector, health sector and public safety sector. In 2014 the International Institute developed the Multinational Research and Development Strategy that leveraged over a decade of lessons learned through partner capacity building programs with public and private sector organizations and governments.
In November 2006, The International Institute partnered with the Spanish Ministry of Defense to host a NATO Counter-IED Conference in Madrid, Spain. The conference created open debate among scientists and industry experts on standoff IED Detection technologies. The five roundtable discussions focused on Standoff IED Detection Techniques that are currently in development, including laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), Ramen, terahertz scanning technology, and intelligent video analysis software.
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