The Hugh Mungus Incident

The Hugh Mungus Incident was a clash between Black Lives Matter activist and Feminist Zarna Joshi, and Civilian Rudy Pantoja. The recording of the clash became a viral video on YouTube after multiple anti-Feminist<nowiki/>s, and Reaction Channels, Such as h3h3productions reviewed the Video.
During an Interview with CNN at the Seattle City Hall on building a new police station, Rudy Pantoja stated he was on the side of the Seattle Police Department, because at the time his daughter was a Heroin-addict, and the Police assisted in breaking her addiction. Rudy Pantoja also claimed that he felt self-depricating about his weight that day, and he was also tired from climbing a hill everyday, for it is a path to his workplace. Zarna Joshi was attracted to the interview when she heard about CNN asking civilians questions about their opinions on the current state of the police.
Joshi's Confrontation
Shortly after Pantoja's interview, He noticed that Joshi was recording him, so he asked Joshi if she wished for an identification to whom she replied yes. Instead of his name, he gave the alias "Hugh Mungus". Joshi became aggravated, as she started to angrily to question, and then accuse Pantoja of "Sexual Harassment". She implied that he was pointing to his genitalia, Pantoja quickly denied that it was sexual harassment and just a simple joke about his weight and body stature. Joshi later claimed that he was used as a token by the media to represent all people of color, so they could promote police brutality. She continued to yell these accusations at Pantoja, when security intervened, and had to escort her out of the building.
Video Response
After Joshi was escorted out of the building she continued to upload the video to Facebook, Later it was uploaded to YouTube by a mass amount of people, which fans of YouTubers like H3h3Productions, sent the videos to them through their social media and forums. When Ethan and Hila Reacted to it in their video, Crazy Feminist Gets Triggered Ft. Hugh Mungus uploaded on August 31st 2016, gained over 3 million views. After the video made Joshi go viral, she removed the video, and deleted her Facebook Account. Pantoja was later tracked down by Ethan and Hila and he accepted to be interviewed by them and it was uploaded to YouTube. In the interview he claimed that he could have Zarni Joshi meet him for coffee, and clear it all up, he claims she declined. Zarna Joshi received a wave of criticism directed at her, however she was not able to be found on any social media. Some have labeled this as online harassment, Though it is disputed. Rudy Pantoja is now heralded by many people as a "martyr for dad jokes"
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