The hover car

The Hover Car is a concept vehicle invented by Noel Taylor, which consists of eight independent Jet Packs aimed downwards. The Jet Packs are the same as the Flying Jet Packs that were invented in the 1960s; now improved. If a Jet Pack fails a warning would indicate that it needs refuelling or fixing immediately.

There would have to be an altitude limit readout so that the vehicle could not just fly at any height. The Hover Car would be restricted to roads except in emergency situations. No foot pedals are needed. Always active airbag seats are incorporated. The Jet Packs would be pivoted to enable the car to go exactly where desired. The car can travel vertically and also over water.

Maximum capacity: four people. A camera at the front monitors speed and acts as a security and authority check. Four suspension springs could easily be fitted on each corner of the vehicle(deluxe). Its capable of carrying 1600lb weight. Speed is gained by easing the joystick forwards. An aeroplane trim would need to exist to keep the The Hover Car exactly horizontal. Top speed 200 mph with 8 jet packs. With 24 gallons of Peroxide and Hydrogen gas and then Nitrogen added = 2 hours duration. In reusable block canisters containing the segemented gases (option one). These would clip onto the top of the Jet Packs. Methane and the other fuels are a possibilty. Although the car can run on unleaded petroleum. The Hover Car would stop immediately by putting it into reverse using the joystick.

The entire car would need to be made of plastic or similar. An emergency parachute is incorporated into the roof where small fins in the side outside would detect a fast drop and open the roof automatically when the ignition is on. A weight limitation display would be needed. This would work by sensors at the top of the curtain stands. Drop-down garage rollers are optional. The doors to The Hover Car unlock when the curtain stands touch the ground automatically by means of a simple latch independently. An emergency underside airbag/water float could easily be incorporated. With a button hidden under the driver's seat or automatically when the parachute activates. The joystick would be for forwards, backwards and sideways motion. The steering wheel for left and right turns as on a normal vehicle.

A computer would monitor speed etc. and give an exact fuel reading. An air and underside monitor screen and camera would need to be fitted. One person estimated time to change 8 fuel canisters 4 minutes. Optional slide serene doors would enable passengers complete protection from Flying Jet Pack noise and from the cold when changing fuel canisters (deluxe model). It will need a constant light hover mode when the ignition is on to hover about 6 feet off the ground minimum. There is no reason why it cannot be a train, coach or even a bus with three separate fuel points.

For more information see The Hover Car official website
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