The Hall Monitors

The IU Student Section (sometimes referred to as the Crimson Crew or Sampsonites) is the student section at Indiana University's NCAA men's games. IU students are currently allotted 7,800 of 17,456 seats (45%), creating the largest student section in the country. During the 2007-2008 season 9,200 IU students purchased season tickets. IU students are known for being some of the loudest and most passionate basketball fans in the country. The IU student section has gained notoriety from other basketball coaches, including Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski who called Assembly Hall the loudest road venue he had been in.

The IU student section is often at odds with the school's athletic department over various issues. These include the increasing prices of ticktes, the widespread disersion of student seats rather than a single block, the distance and poor quality of many student seats, the rotation of students to different seats each game at random, offensive chants by the student section, and the lack of coordination between the administration and the students for events like "white outs". While the athletic department and school administration often state their sympathy for student complaints, they usually counter by pointing out the large number of seats made available to students and admit that little is likely to change while games are played at Assembly Hall.

As of January 16th, 2008, the section has become officially known as "The Hall Monitors." Following pressure put on by the members of the Facebook group "Take Back Assembly Hall," the IU athletic department has decided to work together with the group to create a better atmosphere for students, which may include a general admission student section beginning in the 2008-2009 season.
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