The Great Meme War

The Great Meme War was an Internet campaign conducted by supporters of Donald Trump between June 2015 and November 2016 in an effort to sway the United States presidential election of 2016. During this time period users of social media, especially Reddit and 4chan, conducted numerous "operations" to sway public opinion in the United States to assist their preferred candidate and their presidential campaign. The groups used Internet memes.
In Europe
After the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential election of 2016, it was reported that many users of /r/The Donald, who were one of the largest campaigners during the so called war, would now be transferring their efforts "over the pond" to help right-wing politicians and political parties with views similar to Trump, such as Nigel Farages UKIP and Marine Le Pen, leader of Front National, among others. It is yet to be seen whether these tactics will work as well in Europe as they did in the United States.
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