The Future of The Kingdom Hearts Series

The Future of the Kingdom Hearts series is still un-clear but much has been released for the future games that will be
released by Square Enix that will deal with the same story-line of Kingdom Hearts series. But the games would not be under the title of Kingdom Hearts which will make for an interesting twist in the future of the bestselling Square Enix series.

Next Gen
The first thing that was clear about the future of the hit Square Enix series was that all the games following Kingdom Hearts 2 will be on a next-generation console. Though the game will focus new characters other than Sora, Donald, Goofy and company, the game will most likely(yet to be determened)start at Destiny Islands where the story last left off. This will be awesome on PS3. The island would feature the beautiful beaches that all Kingdom Hearts fans would love to explore in a better definition.

The New Charaters
In the trailer relased by Square Enix much is visible about the new characters.

This character first appeared in a battle in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix. Terra is found in a dark portal of Disney Castle. He appears in the desert that Sora and company arives to after they enter the portal. He'll give a short speech and then your forced into battle with him. He then leaves peacfuly after he's defeated and your left to return to the castle. Terra is the oldest of the soldiers in the hidden trailer. The battle with Sora was said to be Terra's awakening. That small fact will play a huge part in the series. Terra most likely is the leader of the soldiers and takes the least damage from the battle with the soldier. In the battle, Terra bears Sora's keyblade. He is the Sora of the group showing determination and leadership over the others.
Aqua is the second oldest of the the three and is the only female. She has a close bond with Ven and is either his mother or sister. She is the Donald of the group. She cast multiple spells during the battle of the trailer. She bears King Mickey's keyblade during the battle.

Ven is the most mysterious and un-explained character of the three. He is also the striking resemblance of Roxas. He has a close bond with Aqua and is either the brother or son of hers. Many rumors said that he was Roxas. Or another version of him. The resmeblance is un-clear but there may be another connection to Roxas that has yet to be announced. He frozen solid by the new enemy and is thrown from the cliff. Aqua rushes to see if he's okay and all he can do is blink to show that he was not killed in the battle.

The Mage is supposed to be the parallel heartless of Xehanort. He is wearing the same exact clothing as Ansem: the final boss of Kingdom Hearts. The Mage is a dangerous installment to the bosses of Kingdom Hearts. He commands the Dark Soldier that fights along side him. He can control magic power and the area around. He can manipulate the ground and the millions of keyblades in the trailer. He is after one thing which shows his resemblance with Xehanort: Kingdom Hearts. They both share the same ambition to summon Kingdom Hearts. He most likely will be the next final boss of the following games.

Dark Soldier
one thing that was aslo announced about the future of the blockbuster is that it will focus on three things. Birth by Sleep, Riku and King Mickeys journey through the darkness, and the crossroads. The Dark Soldier is thought to be the Riku's Dark Form which would have been formed through his journey in darkness. He is the right-hand-man of the Mage and is a worthy opponent for the soldiers.

Some shocking things were revealed at the Square Enix 2007 party about the future. The theory of the Soulless is that after a Nobody is destroyed, a soul is released forming a new creature. This creature plays an important part in the future of the story. During the party a short movie that satified many hungry fans ravenous hunger for the next KH game. It told them that they were working on a new project and that it would be centered around the Soulless. It was also told to only a few people to be kept on the downlow that the Mage and Dark Soldier were most likely to be portray as Soulless.

Maleficent, Pete, and The Heartless
The last place that Maleficent and Pete were was engulfed in an army of heartless. They had a final attempt to control the heartless but the story continued without them and the affect of their attempt was not told but in the future, Malaficent will make a return too the war between the heartless and nobodies. But the Soulless will make a great factor in the battle and it seems they are controled by the Mage. Weather he will join the nobodies to destroy the heartless and fully power Kingdom Hearts, or fight solo and wipe out the other creatures. This will greatly decide the future of Maleficent's gang in the future.

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