The End of Time by Randall Towe

©2007 Published in the United States by
The darkness comes because it always does. Now its time has come again. The endless struggle between the forces of light and darkness wage on, as one man's obsession to uncover the truth and save his long-lost love, bring him face to face with the powers of creation. A quest that will test his strength of will, defy his sense of reality and decide the fate of the world. With billions of lives hanging in the balance, failure is not an option as the battle against the forces of evil begins. A war to prevent the holocaust that will send mankind back to the stone age and enslave the world forever.
From the Author:
The Universe of the Science Fiction book: The End of Time By Randall Towe
God is the resultant of the paradoxial (a state of being a paradox (the closest word I could find in English is paradoxical, but I'm not sure if it is the correct word since it is a medical term, so I had to make up the word to get my meaning across) of the void or non-existence, i.e. non-existence doesn't exist except as the absence of existence, which is what I call God. Since we are part of that existence we are the children of God by virtue of being. Evil, is defined as the tendency towards non-existence, therefore pure evil doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as two existences. It either exists or it doesn’t.
By all rights nothing should exist at all, but it does.
Imagine: The void in the beginning; a paradox, which is an imbalance. The natural way of things is that all things tend towards equilibrium. That balance is God: equal and opposite to non-existence, a living perfect, and self-sustaining being.
Imagine: God alone in the dark and cold infinitive void.
The first thing that comes to his mind (there is no real gender): I am, i.e. he is self aware; he knows he exists.
The second thing that comes to mind: Is there another? Which is impossible, since God is existence himself. Since he is a perfect being (meaning that which cannot change) he can’t procreate or anything. The imbalance continues. (It was not solved from the first state (the void). It only continues toward the state of equilibrium.
After hovering or whatever in the void for eons nature makes a change to promote balance. Like Admiral Bird who almost went crazy when he was alone in Antarctica, created multiple personalities to stave off the loneliness, God physically splits into two separate beings along with (due to the Laws of the Conservation of Energy) the Holy Ghost as we call it. Ghost being the remnant of what was.
The two being God’s first kids so to speak (remember the paradoxical state of being), each being equal and opposite to each other, but with less energy of the first state of God’s being.
These two beings are what we call the spirits of light and darkness; the spirit of light being male (so to speak) the Christ and the spirit of darkness being female (as we understand gender). The problem is when they try to come together it creates a chaotic state that forces them to drift apart. The spirit of light can procreate and establishes a realm of light (heaven as we call it) and the spirit of darkness hovers in the void stewing with loneliness, jealousy, etc. because it can’t procreate. It watches from the darkness.
The spirit of light: He self procreates and establishes rules of those that come after him. No unauthorized procreation without his consultation. These beings can manipulate energies with their minds. He tells the children (what we call angels) the rule. One of them thinks, “It would be great to have a kid and “POP!” out comes a hideous looking kid (a being of light never the less). The being gets scared and pushes the child of light out into the void to hide it. Of course it can't really be hidden, but becomes the great mistake (not really since it leads to the human race eventually). Everything is for a reason, humanity included, to bring forth a state of equilibrium. Everyone is truly special in that regard, we are all meant to be. Interesting?
The spirit of darkness sees this child of light cast into the void and reaches out to it in a desperate attempt to end its grueling state of loneliness.
This interaction of the dark energy (shadow as I call it) interacts with the light energy in a violent and explosive manner. The being of light becomes a lesser being (sort of plasticizes but it is still a being that exists in a state of energy). The rest of the energy forms what we call the Material Universe, which is a realm for the being (at least as it sees it). It looks around and sees that only he exists in this realm and believes he is the God of Creation (look up The Archons from here.) The rest is history and here we are slaves of false creator gods such as the Seven Headed Dragon of the MU people. But Christ comes and frees us. Remember Christ came to save the world, not to judge it. Judgment is reserved for God. Also understand that these beings are androgynous (both male and female). It is interesting note the gender-neutral trend in the world.
Paradox conditions exist and are verifiable in quantum physics. Scientists are working on quantum computers as we speak. A particle can be on and off at the same time.
Further Note: The spirit of Darkness appears in Revelations as The Babylon Mystery woman who transforms (burns) and is readied for the marriage to Christ thus establishing the final needed balance to create the state of equilibrium; hence the peace we all (including the Powers of Darkness (who control this realm and this world) desire. Once this is achieved it is forever; i.e. eternity. It's the natural way of thing i.e. God's will. What I believe God desires for us in not to worship anything, but to love one another as the Apostle John stated over and over again and just to be who we are, which is hard to in this world as we have discovered. If you're unhappy then find yourself and you will find the true God and be happy again.
Additional Note: The spirit of darkness is the one who dwells below and has always done so. Other than that it is the black sheep of the family, the one they don't talk about. Funny how we adopt these concepts. It isn't evil but it is the natural prime source of corruption in the universe. It only does what it is meant to do.
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