The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel

[ The Dimension Travel Trilogy: A Three Part Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel] was published by Joseph S. Pidoriano, in October 2015. This novel is a multi-genre novel, which has four different genres of the following: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action/ Adventure, and Political Allegory. This novel was written from March 2013 to June 2013; September 2013 to October 2013; and October 2013 to November 2013. This novel was written when Joseph Salvatore Pidoriano was just fifteen and sixteen years of age; and was finished on the night before Thanksgiving 2013. In July 2014, he copyrighted this book; and published it shortly after his eighteenth birthday, in October 2015, precisely one month; and one week before the second anniversary of the completion of this novel. Currently, the novel is available to the public.
The Writings and General Overview of The Book
Part One: The Beginnings
From March 2013 to June 2013, Part One: The Beginnings, was written. This part was supposed to be one book; but Pidoriano realized that it would be too short to be considered as a novel. When he wrote Part One, he had several inspirations to creating it; and those inspirations morphed into one story. In addition, his life aspirations inspired the opening of the story, in which he would include himself in first-person perspective and would give two characters a tour of his recreational entertainment company, Cascade Resort Company, in the hills of California County, New York, a fictional county in Upstate New York. To keep the novel entertaining, Pidoriano, created two foolish characters, Iron Steel and Tom Jackson, who he gave a tour of the headquarters; and those two characters would use their supernatural phone to cause the dimension traveling to take place. In the middle of the story, he abandoned the two characters in the Blank Dimension, which ended the author's part in the story. The rest of Part One was written in third-person perspective. While Iron Steel was in the Blank Dimension, he turned into a dragon, and the only way for him to return back to being a human, he had to go to the Magic Castle, which was a gothic-style castle in the story. When they arrived at the castle, they encountered an ordeal with the guards because foreign dragons were prohibited from entering, since it would infuriate King Haggoth's pet, Bedlam, who was a duplicitous shape-shifting dragon and despised Iron tremendously, which would lead to their fight and Iron's death. When Iron died, Tom escaped the castle, and visited Foxworth's Magic Shop, where he received two potions to bring life back to normalcy.
Part Two: A Visit To Starmos City
From September 2013 to October 2013, Part Two: A Visit To Starmos City was written. Part Two continued from Part One. Iron Steel and Tom Jackson returned back to California County, and they sought to get a job at the corporate headquarters, that the author managed in the story. Once again, they were given a tour of the corporate headquarters, and "de-ja-vu" basically happened; but the CEO in the story did not have any involvement in their dimension traveling. Throughout the first-half of this part, tension within the friendship started happening; and the friendship came to an official end after Iron and Tom ended up in the Blank Dimension, once again; and Tom abandoned Iron to travel on this vehicle named, Light S. Cycle, a shapeshifting vehicle, who was the only source of inter-dimensional transportation. Light took Tom to the Alien Estate in Starmos City, a pastel and neon-coated alien city, set with a retrospective view of the future. When Light and Tom arrive at the Alien Estate, they were greeted by Cornelius and given a tour of the estate. In the middle of the tour, Light couldn't go down the stairs, leading to the governmental chamber. When he tried going down the stairs, Cornelius maliciously turned the stairs into a ramp, which caused Light to suffer severe injuries and temporarily end up in an ephemeral state of comatose. Due to Cornelius' evil move, Tom assaulted Cornelius, which also caused him to end up in an ephemeral state of comatose. From there, Tom carried Cornelius and Light into the kitchen, both of whom awakened shortly after the ordeal happened. Will Von Alien, Cornelius' cousin, was working in the kitchen, when both Light and Cornelius awakened. Cornelius ordered his cousin, Will, to poison the dishes of Light and Tom. Instead, Will poisoned Cornelius, and escaped with Tom and Light from the kitchen. Unfortunately, for them, they were captured in their escape; and ended up being imprisoned at the estate. However, Will managed to free them.
Part Three: The Finale
From October 2013 to November 2013, Part Three: The Finale was written. Part Three continued from Part Two. Tom, Light, and Will escaped imprisonment; and when Cornelius found out, he made his fiancée and attorney of Starmos City, Jacqueline Langyaw lead a manhunt for the three fugitives, for which this manhunt led a massive evacuation of California County into the surrounding woodlands. The three fugitives entered a foxes' abode in the woodlands, the Woodstons. Jack Woodston gave the three fugitives hope in rescuing Starmos City and California County from Cornelius Von Alien and Jacqueline Langyaw, by sending them to Garden City, a city with a gold and silver palace, mushroom homes, and a swamp monster's lair. When Will, Tom, and Light arrived in Garden City, they rushed to one of the mushroom homes, where the Spazerstocks lived. The Spazerstocks served them dinner; and when they found out that the three fugitives were trying to save Starmos City, the Spazerstocks unveiled themselves to be spies for Cornelius, in which they threw Tom into the swamp monster, Monstre, his lair behind their closet. From there, Will and Light escaped, and with the help of Emperor Gairdon, they led a massive manhunt of the fugitives. First, they caught Monstre; but Tom unfortunately lost his life. Second, they caught the Spazerstocks. Finally, they caught Cornelius and Jacqueline; and saved California County. All fugitives were brought to trial in their own jurisdictions and convicted. Cornelius was executed by poisoning; and Jacqueline pled guilty in exchange for a revocation of her prosecutorial license and to be completely dissociated with Cornelius. Will found a girlfriend, Rubi, and they began dating.
Inspiration For The Places in The Dimension Travel Trilogy
California County: Staten Island, New York; New Dorp Lane; Dongan Hills Colony, and New Paltz, New York.
Magic Castle: Neuschwanstein Castle, Casa Belvedere, and Windsor Castle.
The Alien Estate: Buckingham Palace, and Versailles Palace.
Garden City: an ordinary swamp, an ordinary backyard, and gold bars.
NOTE: Some of the characters weren't featured in the description of the story being that they were minor characters.
-Iron Steel*
-Tom Jackson
-Officer Johnstone
-Mayor Bill Stone
-Norman & Waldon
-King Haggoth
-Dr. Driek
-Foxworth (a wizard)
-Mark Williams
-Bertha Steel
-Emperor Gairdon
Shape-shifters/ The Animals And Monsters/ Aliens
-Iron Steel (dragon)*
-Light S. Cycle
-Cornelius Von Alien
-Will Von Alien
-Jacqueline Langyaw
-Rubi Worschinskiwitz
-The Grasshopper
-Jack Woodston
-Marianne Woodston
The Dimension Travel Trilogy was featured in local media outlets as of May 2016. The Dimension Travel Trilogy reached The Staten Island Advance and New York 1 .
The Sequel
Shortly after publishing The Dimension Travel Trilogy, Pidoriano, published, Dimension Travel IV.
Trivial Facts About The Dimension Travel Trilogy
-The Dimension Travel Trilogy was originally supposed to be one book.
-Prior to November 2013, The Dimension Travel Trilogy was originally going to be three books.
-The author, Joseph S. Pidoriano, includes himself in first-person perspective in parts of the book.
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