The Comic Book Syndicate

The Comic Book Syndicate is comprised of three men from Windsor, Ontario. All professionals in their field they have come together to cast a positive light on one very unique form of art. This was carried out in the form of a review show which over the years has begun to expand from it's humble beginnings on the internet, to include other outlets such as television. Though the show can currently be seen on a number of stations in Ontario, Canada and Michigan, it still maintains a strong internet presence.
The Comic Book Syndicate are Professional Chef, Daniele "Danny Boy" Palanca; local business owner and mental health advocate, George "J'org R'zok' Rizok; and film producer/director Michael "Mike-EL" Poirier.
The Comic Book Syndicate: review show was created in 2007. In each episode our hosts are joined by a special guest to discuss the medium also known as Sequential Art as well as all things comic book related. (ie. movie/television/game reviews)Full episodes of the show can also be viewed on the Official Comic Book Syndicate Web-site and are also hosted on and
Mandate and Mission Statement
The Comic Book Syndicate seeks to educate the general public about the unique form of storytelling known as Sequential Art. The entire comic genre is a misunderstood art form, and the Syndicate utilizes their knowledge and experience of the subject to expose this medium to a wider audience.
Our message is currently being carried out through the show, but the future of the Syndicate relies on reaching beyond what has already been accomplished. The Syndicate seeks to create new venues for discourse and seeks to conquer new forms of media. (print, radio, etc)
The Comic Book Syndicate is primarily internet based but was fortunate enough to find a home locally in Windsor on TVCogeco. The Comic Book Syndicate can also be seen in Michigan.
The Comic Book Syndicate is currently re-organizing and expanding beyond the show to include charitable work. They are also developing a Podcast. (release date: TBD)
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