The Brand Trust Report

The Brand Trust Report, India Study is an annual consumer-influencer syndicated research conducted in 16 Indian cities by TRA. The 10th edition of the report published in 2020 lists India's 1000 most trusted brands based on consumer research. The research studies the trust attitudes and preferences of brand influencers. TRA's Brand Trust Report 2020 lists Dell as the most trusted in the country in the year. Mobile phone brands Mi and Samsung were ranked 2nd and 3rd most trusted, followed by iPhone at 4th rank and LG Televisions ranked 5th in 2020.
The Brand Trust Report - 2011
The Brand Trust Report, India Study, 2011 () researched 2310 influencer-respondents and generated 10,00,000 data points and 16,000 unique brands from over 10,000 hours of fieldwork conducted in nine cities. Of the 300 Most Trusted brands listed in the report, Nokia was India's Most Trusted Brand. The other brands in the top 10 were Tata, Sony, LG, Samsung, Reliance, Maruti Suzuki, Life Insurance Corporation, Airtel and Titan.
The Brand Trust Report - 2012
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2012 () was conducted in 15 cities with 2718 influencer-respondents and the report generated 17000 unique brands. The Brand Trust Report - 2012 listed India's 1000 Most Trusted Brands and Nokia was ranked India's most trusted brand in 2012 followed by Tata ranked 2nd and LG ranked 3rd.
The Brand Trust Report - 2013
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2013 () was a result of research conducted across 2505 influencers from 16 Indian cities generating 3 million data points. The Brand Trust Report - 2013 lists 1100 Most Trusted brands from 211 categories among the 19000 unique brands generated in the study. Nokia was ranked as India's most trusted brand for the third consecutive year. Anna Hazare ranked as India's most trusted personality and Kiran Bedi as the most trusted female personality.
The Brand Trust Report - 2014
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2013 (), ranked the Most Trusted Brand in India as Samsung mobile which overtook Nokia, the leader for the previous three years. Nokia slipped down to fifth in the list and Sony, Tata and LG were the other brands in the top 5.
The Brand Trust Report - 2015
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2015 () is the fifth release of the annually conducted report that ranks India's most trusted brands based on primary research based on the proprietary 61-attributes of Brand Trust Matrix. This research studied 2373 consumer influencers across 16 cities, and produced nearly 5 million data points and 19,000 brands, making it the most comprehensive study on Brand Trust across the globe. LG ranked as India's Most Trusted Brand in 2015 followed by Samsung Mobiles at 2nd rank and Sony at 3rd rank. Nokia, the leader in 2011, 2012 and 2013 was ranked in 5th position this year.
The Brand Trust Report - 2016
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2016 () the 6th edition of The Brand Trust Report, researched 2505 consumer influencers across 16 cities listing India's 1000 Most Trusted Brands. India's Most Trusted in 2016 was Samsung Mobiles, followed by Sony (rising one rank over the previous year), LG ranked 3rd, slipping from its leadership in the previous year. Significant inclusions in India's Most Trusted Twenty brands include ICICI Bank which climbed 38 ranks over the previous year to come in 9th Most Trusted, HDFC Bank which climbed 329 ranks over the previous year to be ranked 12th Most Trusted and Lux which scaled up 250 ranks over the previous year to be ranked as 17th Most Trusted in 2016. Eight Gujarat brands ranked among India's Most Trusted on the list.
The Brand Trust Report - 2017
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2017 the 7th edition of The Brand Trust Report, researched over 11,000 unique brands from which the top 1,000 was selected. India's Most Trusted in 2017 is Samsung, followed by Sony and LG (who stay at their same previous year's rank). Apple climbed 12 ranks to become the 4th Most Trusted brand while the 5th is Tata.
The Brand Trust Report - 2018
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2018 was conducted in 16 cities with 2488 consumer influencers. Consumer Electronics brands ruled the top three ranks among 1000 listed in the report. India's Most Trusted top three brands in 2018 were Samsung, Sony and LG.
The Brand Trust Report - 2019
The Brand Trust Report, India Study - 2019 was conducted with 2315 consumer influencers in 16 Indian cities. The previous year's listing order changed in 2019 with Dell becoming India's Most Trusted brand for the first time in the nine editions of the report. Jeep and Life Insurance Corporation ranked 2nd and 3rd Most Trusted Brands in the year. Amazon and iPhone ranked 4th and 5th Most Trusted Brands among the 1000 brands listed in the report.
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