Thapovanam Sidhasramam Thapovanam sidhashramam is the abode of Sri Sri Shivadatha Sahasran, the spiritual magnum, the reverent acharya who has attained the ultimatum state of spirituality i.e. the Bodhi state. The spiritual mastereo has adorned the Bodhi state on Aug 12 2006; prior to this he attained Nirvana in 2005 shivaratri day. His aid and guide to Nirvana was his master the Almighty Creator. According to his master's will and wish he underwent strict meditations and made the journey to totality i.e. Nirvanan and getting merged to the Almighty's spirit thereby himself becoming the same. He was addressed in the holy name Sri Sri Shivadatha Sahasran by his master during Nirvana. Sri Sri Shivadatha Sahasran means the one who has attained the ultimate knowledge and is the bearer of all virtues and benevolence. He the Kalki Avathara , the light of Kaliyuga has incarnated to eliminate the evil spirit and enrich the souls with his omnipotent heavenly spirit. His Kalki bhava owes to the drastic transformation processes. His cause body comprising of the fully awakened life force energy is functioning throughout the world thereby caressing each and every creature of this world. He the bodhi Satva is the cauldron of all universal knowledge; His knowledge resources owes to his function as the generator, organisor and destroyer His knowledge cauldron of truth is filled with boons, prophecies, spiritual verdicts, inscriptions and medications for betterment and enlightenment of the mankind and the universe. His knowledge magnitude reaches the deep and depth of all aspects of this universe right from evolution. These knowledge magnificence is bestowed to his 37 ascetic prebirths. The sum total of the knowledge that he has gathered during his 37 ascetic prebirths has now evolved into his knowledge magnificence in this present birth of Bodhisatva. This knowledge is inscribed through many of his disciples who has attained the ' Yogic' level. Bhagawan's omnipotent spirit otherwise known as Mrida Sakthi comprises of the fully awakened Jeeva Sakthi (Life Force) and Kriya Sakthi (executory power). His Kriya Sakthi is permanenty installed in the bodies of many of his disciples and it is through the function of this force in them that the holy writings take place. Likewise revelation of all sorts of knowledge takes place through them. To avail this virtue, the disciples should undergo strict meditations and practices prescribed by the Guru Bhagawan. Through such measures their mind the body is purified out rightly to let the kriya sakthi of the Guru work in them. It is only through almost surrender a disciple shall attain it. In the course of their purification process all the cultures inherent in them relating to several prebirths are finely processed. Then the person shall memories the event and instance that has left the mark in his soul. These memories are brought to conscious mind and the individual experiences the situations once he underwent and he experiences the absolute sensations once he underwent and he experiences the absolute sensations from it. At that time he is uplifted from it by Guru's power. Thus the uprooting of the cultures from the persons take place in this manner till he is completely liberated from it. When the soul gets fully purified the persons self entity does not exist. His mind become thoughtless and empty. Thus he is transformed into the bearers of bhagawan's Kriya Sakthi. Bhagawan who has realized the one and only truth behind creation and thereby attaining Nirvana; he has established a new religion the 'Madhava Religion'.Madhava means God. Bhagawan himselg being the Madhava kindling the function of generation , organization ,destruction. The Madhava Religion proclaims the sole truth that All are in All are one All are equal It is not a religion stricken to idol worships and rituals. It signifies to the realization of the almighty spirit underlying in each soul. The principles of this religion is to immortalize the mortal, cure the incurable, compensate the damage. It implies only to the upliftment of a soul to totality. Bhagawan Madhava Acharya, the founder of this religion himself being a Poorna guru (Almighty) serve as the guide and path desginer . His guidelines befit a well concreted living art; subject to which one can attain completeness. M - Madhava A - Amarathva D - Divine H - Heavenly A - Ananda V - valuable A - Advantage Madhava The word Madhava (God) means Mahatva , Poorna Amarathva principle leads one of heavenly anantha of life . This is the utmost valuable advantage of life.