Thalia Grace

Thalia Grace is a fictional character in Rick Riordan's Camp Half-Blood book series. She debuts in the ending of The Sea of Monsters, the second book of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. She makes a brief appearance in The Lost Hero, the first book of the The Heroes of Olympus series, sequel to the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. She is the demigod daughter of Zeus.
The Sea of Monsters
Thalia appears in Percy's dreams throughout the book. At the end of The Sea of Monsters, she is brought back to life by the Golden Fleece which Clarisse places on her pine tree. Zeus gives her a spear which shoots electricity and turns into a small mace canister that fits in her pocket, and Athena gives her a bracelet that turns into Aegis, a shield with the Medusa's head carved into it. Thalia is now potentially the child of the prophecy, and Kronos soon takes advantage of the fact.
The Titan's Curse
Thalia and Percy quarrel occasionally at camp because their similar personalities tend to clash. Percy is called "Seaweed Brain" by Thalia, which he does not like because it is Annabeth's pet name for him; in retaliation, he calls her "Pinecone Face". Before the quest, Nico di Angelo makes Percy promise to keep his sister safe during the quest. Thalia goes on the quest to find Artemis, find the dangerous Ophiotaurus Artemis was seeking and rescue Annabeth, with Percy, Zoë Nightshade, Bianca di Angelo, and Grover. Thalia, Percy, Zoe Nightshade, Bianca, and Grover come upon the Junkyard of the Gods and told not to take anything from the junkyard, but just as the group is about to leave, a metal giant rises because Bianca took a figurine for Nico. Bianca goes inside of the metal giant, which is a defective automaton of the giant Talos, and controls it to dance like a chicken, causing the giant to fall over and Bianca to die. Together, they face the Titan General, Atlas's army, and make it to Mount Tamalpais. Already weakened by dragon poison, while facing her father, Atlas, Zoe perishes from a final blow from him. There, Thalia fights her old friend Luke, and they discover that Kronos used Thalia to twist destiny into her hands, since she would be turning sixteen on the day following the Winter Solstice. She escaped this deadly path and turned to her half-sister, Artemis, who made her a Hunter, which would stop her from being sixteen, because whoever becomes a Hunter becomes immortal, unless they shall die in battle or break the oath by falling in love.
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Thalia is absent from Camp Half-Blood this summer due to her adventures with Artemis and the Hunters, but she is mentioned once in the book.
The Last Olympian
Thalia and the Hunters of Artemis show up when Percy is looking for someone to defend the Lincoln Tunnel against the Titans. Thalia helps Percy and the other demigods defend Manhattan. She accompanies Percy, Annabeth and Grover to Olympus where they defeated Kronos. However, she did not see their victory and Luke's death as she got trapped under a statue of Hera while saving Annabeth, whom Hera wanted dead. At the end of the story, Thalia is still alive, and is granted help in getting more Hunters, because a lot of them died during the final battle. However, it is not known whether she learnt of Luke's death.
The Lost Hero
In The Lost Hero, Thalia reunites with Jason, her full brother through Zeus (Jupiter in Jason's case) and their mother. She admits that she ran away from home after Jason disappeared when he was two, and her mother told her he was dead. She helps Jason, Piper and Leo on their quest.
Thalia has shoulder length spiky black hair, electric blue eyes, and freckles across her nose. She is described as being "extremely pretty" by fellow campers and Apollo, (in The Titan's Curse, when he says "Man, I hate it when pretty girls get turned into trees,") and is "beautiful", according to Artemis. She wears punk styled clothes, and she has a magic bracelet that turns into Aegis, a modified version of Athena's shield. When Thalia became a Hunter, she wears a silver tiara showing she is the first lietenant of Artemis. Since she became a Hunter, Thalia will always look like a fifteen-year-old while she is almost immortal.
In the Lost Hero, Jason Grace, her brother, looks at an old picture of Thalia saying her skin tone looks more Mediterranean while his is more Roman (They both have the same mother, but Zeus is Thalia's father and Jupiter is Jason's father. According to Jason, their appearances are nothing alike except the colour of their electric blue eyes.
Powers and abilities
* Thalia has ADHD like other half-bloods, which increases her awareness in combat, to the point of being able to anticipate the enemy simply by observing where he/she tenses.
* As with all other half-bloods, Thalia is dyslexic because her brain has been "hard-wired" for Ancient Greek.
* Thalia becomes the 1st lieutenant of Artemis's hunters in the end of The Titan's Curse, and as a result, is immortal unless she dies in battle or breaks her oath to Artemis, which is to foreswear romantic love forever.
* Thalia can 'manipulate the Mist", which means she can make things as she wants them to appear to the eyes of a mortal (taught to her by Chiron).
* Thalia is a highly talented fighter, as Luke, the best swordsman in 300 years at Camp Half Blood, was always beaten by her.
*Thalia, as the daughter of Zeus, is more powerful than most demigods and on a par in strength with her cousins Percy and Nico and her brother Jason because they are also children of the Big Three.
* Thalia can channel powerful amounts of electrical energy into another's body on contact. She has been known to burn off a person's eyebrows.
* Things that belong to her father's domain can do as she asks, such as statues of the angels in The Titan's Curse, which were gifts to her father. They, on her request, flew her and her friends to San Francisco.
* Thalia is a natural leader, putting her at odds with the similarly talented and powerful Percy.
* Thalia can also manipulate electricity and lightning. She fries a Laistrygonian Giant with a single lightning bolt during The Last Olympian.
* Thalia has dominion over air and the sky. Since she has acrophobia (fear of heights) she has yet to test them.
* Thalia can manipulate the weather.
* A copy of Aegis that expands from a metal bracelet that she wears on her wrist, which many of the campers and monsters cower in front of due to the moulded head of Medusa on the shield.
* A collapsible spear that expands from a Mace canister.
* A Hunter's bow.
* Two Hunting Knives
Thalia, nor her tree, were seen nor mentioned in the first film, although Grover does mention her in a deleted scene. She has not been cast yet for a second film.
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