Terenc Pepa

Terenc Pepa (; 1987) is an Albanian photographer, sculptor, IT Specialist, Travel Influencer and founder of the biggest page in northern Albania
Terenc Pepa born in 1987 in the city of Shkoder, northern Albania.
In Shkodra, he decided to dedicate himself to his passion for photography, and so decided to open online webpages and social networks that he named "Shkoder.info" (meaning The name of city and info that means information for tourist). His name became very popular in Albania.
Career and photography
The first famous pictures of Terenc Pepa dates back to 2009-2010 when northern Albania was flooded, in which was photographed every day and published worldwide his photos that were published around Europe televisions and media.
Terenc Pepa often worked also for travel magazines, such as Revista Travel, and Albanian Media such as StarPlusTv that still works as Videographer and IT Specialist. Also his works are published almost in every news video when they talk about Travel. Also his videos are broadcast on Top-Channel, RtvOraNews, TvKlan, AbcNews, News24, Eruonews, SyriTv, RTSH, BalkanWeb, VizionPlus, and also Italian televisions like Mediaset Italy, RaiNews Italy.
Winner of “Creative History Balkans Tour” for capturing Rozafa Fortress in Shkodër.
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