Ted Gambordella

"Dr." Ted Gambordella (born February 22, 1948) is an American Jiu Jitsu (a Japanese martial art) teacher who is often referred to as "the Father of Modern American Jiu Jitsu", because of his efforts in the evolution of Jiu Jitsu in USA. He has made contributions to martial arts, fitness, and health in America starting in 1972 and continuing now in 2011. He is also recognized in the list of five most influential American Jiu Jitsu teachers ever.
Early career
Almost 47 years ago, Dr. Ted Gambordella began his martial arts training in Alexandria, Louisiana. After winning several Jiu Jitsu championships and receiving black belt in Juki Ryu Jitsu, he went on to be trained personally by Soke Rod Scharnoski, the world famous head of family and developer of "combat Ki", who was trained by Soke Albert Church. Gambordella was also trained directly by Soke Church who promoted him to black belt in Aiki Jitsu and Weapons that made him the first Weapons Black Belt in the South America. In 1972, Gambordella started his professional career as a jiu jitsu teacher. Then he moved to Texas in 1977 and opened a Karate School in Wichita Falls. It was during those years when he started his career as an author and wrote his book "The End of Injury", which is an effective program for preventing injuries.
Career work
Living a huge career of above 45 years in Jiu Jitsu, Mr.Gambordella has contributed a lot to the American Society by innovating a new way to prevent injuries in sports and games. He has trained a lot of students and professional players to increase their performance and to counter their physical fatigue. Moreover, he has owned many health clubs to provide basic health programs to every citizen of the States.
Dr. Ted has received numerous awards and acclaims. A few of his accomplishments are listed below:
*1st Jiu Jitsu Black Belt in Texas
*1st Karate-Collegiate Championship Tournament Champion in 1971
*1st author to write a book on Hard KI (chi), Injury Protection
*Inventor of two Patented products, Logo Glove and Vpower Glove
*3 Times US Karate Sparring Champion & 2 Times US Karate Weapons Champion
*Oklahoma University
*University of Texas
*Rice University
*Oklahoma State University
*Oral Roberts University
*New Orleans Jazz NBA
Dr. Ted has always been an active person in his life with a lot of media attention, he has been featured in many newspapers and magazines. He was the first martial arts black belt with a weekly TV show in America for two consecutive years on channel 11 DFW. In 2009, he performed in a television show "LIVE2B100" with an American actress Melanie Deanne Moore.
Newspaper/magazine articles
Following newspapers and magazines have featured Dr. Ted:
*Dallas Morning News
*Shreveport Times
*Gallery magazine
*Times-Picayune New Orleans, Louisiana
*Wichita Falls Record
*The Wichitan
*Playboy magazine
Television/radio appearances
Mr. Gambordella has also appeared on several media channels including Fox News, Dallas CBS, Dallas ABC, Dallas NBC, Inside Edition, Real People NBC, Current Affair, CBS radio Dallas, Air America, Mike Gallager radio Dallas and Playboy Channel.
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