
Technogeekaphobia is a condition that affects millions of people in every walk of life. In simple terms, it is an irrational or unhealthy fear of technogeeks - the people that build, control, deliver and support the technology and technical services that we all depend on everyday.
Thirty years ago, when I first embraced my inner-geek, I observed this condition and optimistcally dismissed it as a natural but temporary phase of the zeitgeist - the revolutionary transition fom manual bookkeeping systems to electronic bookkeeping systems. I assumed that once ‘normal’ people realized how amazing and wonderful geeks really were down deep (some much deeper than others) inside, they would embrace us. So far… not so much.
While acceptance amongst <s>muggles</s> normal people, has increased very little in three decades, the number of technogeeks found in the wild has increased dramatically. And out of necessity, they are forced to take jobs among the living. And regular people are forced to work with and manage them.
The mistake that many people make is thinking that techongeeks and geeks in general, are just like everyone else. They’re not. Except in the sense that we are all different.
The rules that work in normal society and in normal social structures, simply don’t apply to geeks. If you tell a geek that she has to produce more widgets to keep her job, she's just as likely to work diligently, day and night, to find a way to twiddle the data in your reports so you will be impressed with her increase in productivity, as she is to actually produce more widgets.
Geeks are driven by something deep down inside. This internal driving force is so strong that external factors produce limited or entirely unexpected results.
Understanding this driving force, is key to understanding geeks. And understanding geeks is essential if you ever hope to have productive relationship, either personal or professional, with one.
Technogeekaphobia cannot yet be cured, however one particular treatment known as "Paradigm Shifting" is know to have been effective in many cases.
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