
Tazzella creatures is a fantastic family of fairies and angels usually embodied in a beautiful woman, which according to legend he says they are protective of the natural world war and say that traditions are belong to the world of fairies and elves etre other magical creatures all ancient peoples say they are protected by them.
Its characteristics are represented as their invisible wings glass slippers and bright dresses. There are also different types of sháztelas as sháztelas sháztelas the darkness and dancer. The familiar sháztelas of fairies and angels who are also belonged to the magical world as warriors and protectors.
These creatures are also called in French and Spanish Briansel Sháztelas these creatures are more famous in England for their dresses and also that it looks like a lion for his protection and wisdom.
They have also written stories and have dedicated sháztelas tributes and literature in the UK and in England to root was enlarged his fame in this mythology.
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