Task Force: Ghost Team

The Task Force: Stalker are a group of friendly military operators appearing in the 2013 video game Call of Duty: Ghosts. They were formed from the remnants of the U.S Special Operations Forces.
The Ghosts were formed sometime during the Federation War. The roots of the Ghosts go all the way back to Operation Sand Viper presumably fought in the Tel Aviv War. They were deployed to protect an enemy hospital from enemy fires. The number of soldiers reduced over the course of three days with their weapons run out, and the remaining were forced to fight the remaining enemies with their bare hands. Only one of the enemy had survived to tell the tale, he called the solders the 'Ghosts'.
The team of Ghosts was originally lead by Sergeant Gabriel T Rorke. On a mission to kill Federation leader Diego Alamagro. Rorke was lost in the mission and declared M.I.A and Lieutenant Elias Walker officially became the Captain of the Ghost team. Rorke was captured by the Federation and brainwashed, soon becoming the main villian and made a quest to hunt down the Ghosts because he thought they betrayed him.
Following the death of Elias Walker in a violent interrogation, Sergeant Thomas A Merrick became the Captain of the Ghost team. The protagonist Sergeant Logan Walker and his brother David 'Hesh' Walker went on a mission to stop the Federation and Rorke. Once the U.S Army gained control of Federation's Loki space station, Logan and Hesh ignored their orders to pursue their vendetta for Rorke for killing their father. In a violent battle inside a crashed monorail underwater, Logan shot Rorke and swam to shore with Hesh. Rorke survived the gun shot by Logan and captures him, wanting to brainwash him into a federation agent.
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