Tara Nulty

Tara Nulty (born 1972 in Otsego, Michigan) is an American actress. She is a graduate of Otsego High School (Class of '90). She has been acting in television and film since 1999.

Film vitae
*Formosa (2005)
:role: Virginia Selikovitz
*So, What Do You Think? (2000)
:role: waitress
*Calling Bobcat (2000)
:role: Danielle

Television vitae
*7th Heaven (2002)
:epidose: Drunk
:role: Jill
*Meet the Marks (2002)
:Tara (Joe's Assistant)
*Second Honeymoon (2001)
*Strangers with Candy (1999)
:episode: Who Wants Cake?
:episode: Bogie Nights
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