Tanapag Elementary School

Tanapag Elementary School is an elementary school located in the village of Tanapag in the island of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands.
The school is "Home of the Tataga". Tataga is a word that in English means "Unicorn Fish". It is composed of mostly Chamorros and Carolinians. Others include Chinese, Pakistani, Hawaiians, Filipinos, Japanese, and other groups of people.
The school is small and the teachers for school year 2007-2008 are Mrs. Amor Rabauliman, Mrs. Sue Babauta, Mrs. Francisca Ulloa, Mrs. Acelia Dela Cruz, Mrs. Lavena Babauta, Mr. John Somol, Mr. Larry Babauta, Mrs. Linda Dowai, Mrs. Linda Anastacio, and some other staff. Mrs. Lavena Babauta, Mrs. Acelia Dela Cruz, and Mrs. Linda Anastacio have been selected as Teachers of the Year. However, Mrs. Anastacio wasn't selected as Teacher of the Year for CNMI Wide. The main color is green, which represents the Tataga.
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