Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan

The Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan (TPCA) was founded by a group of human rights activists and Talysh intelligentsia, one of the minority peoples indigenous to Azerbaijan, on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2019.
Need for establishment
According to the founder’s statement of the TPCA that the establishment of TPCA is a necessity of history. As such Azerbaijan government fails to ratify European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages undertaken upon joining the Council of Europe. Articles of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities has not been implemented in relation to the Talysh.
Also, appeals to the government about teaching the Talysh language, training of specialists, radio and television programs broadcasting in the Talysh language, financing of the Talysh press has been neglected and all of which have raised necessity to establish TPCA.
The founders’ statement was signed by: Ali Agayev (member of the Musavat party), Nariman Agazade (archaeologist-ethnographer), Atakhan Abilov (lawyer, human rights activist), Mikail Hajiyev (veteran of the Karabakh war), Mirfayaz Likmakani (poet), Hilal Mammadov (human rights activist, editor of the Tolyshi Sado newspaper), Yashar Nazarov (member of the Popular Front party), Iltifat Rahimov (member of the Aydinlar party), Mehdibey Safarov (chairman of Azerbaijan- Talysh Public Association) and others.
Founder and members of TPCA held the general meeting on January 29, 2020 in Baku where management issues were discussed, co-chairman, Board of management, advisory committee were elected. Dr. Hilal Mammadov, Mehdibey Safarov and Atakhan Abilov were elected as co-chairmen for 2 years period.
TPCA statement on the native language
February 21, 2020, on the occasion of the International Mother Language Day the TPCA developed a proposal titled “Statement by The Talysh Public Council of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Azerbaijan on current status of the Talysh language”.
The Statement emphasizes the need for measures by the government of Azerbaijan to respect to the articles of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, as well as ratify the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
TPCA proposed to approve regional language status, introduce compulsory teaching of the Talysh language in schools from the 1st to the 9th grade in the regions where Talysh people compactly living, as well as, to re-edit, update and improve textbooks and teaching aids.
Beside these, it was proposed to create faculty of the Talysh language and literature in some of universities and colleges of the country, department of the Talysh language at the National Academy of Sciences. The statement called for establishment of a library of books in the Talysh language and of works of world literature translated into the Talysh language. In order for development of the Talysh language, it was proposed to organize broadcasting of television and radio programs to be financed by state budget.
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