System Crash is a Canadian youth sketch comedy television show, which aired on YTV from 1999 to 2001. The series centred on a group of students in a junior high school media club, telling the events of their fictional school, Lambton Junior High, in the past week. Each episode usually had a theme, i.e. parents. Recurring segments *Fly on the Wall - Uses hidden cameras to show what happens when no one is looking (i.e. why girls go to the bathroom in pairs and what do they do once they're in there?) *Burnbaum Helps - Burnbaum helping people. However, it always ends badly for the person that asks for help. It was replaced with Battleford Helps when Burnbaum left the show. *Canadian Council for Concerned Kids - Zoe's informative 'public service announcement' styled segment, providing important messages to adults on the way they should treat and interact with their children. *Garage Band - During the first season (1999), several of the episodes ended with a Garage Band segment. It featured members of the Canadian band Serial Joe playing humorous songs with the principal cast. *Lambton News - Talks about current events. Hosted by Carla Waller in the first season and Emily Pereira afterwards. *Sports Update - An update on sports at the school. Hosted by Wedgie Goldstein in the first season and Noogie Monoham (Zach Pettiford) afterwards. *Lambton Legends - Looking back at various legendary athletes and other famous Lambton alumni. *Lambton Home Shopping - Beau Peterson sells useless products and inventions to the students of Lambton via a Home Shopping Network styled-show. *Movie Spoofs - Movies of all kinds were constantly spoofed - Examples include Gladiator, Cast Away, Star Wars, The Maltese Falcon, The Incredible Hulk, The Matrix, E.T., Jaws, etc. *Kyle's Notes - Kyle Cooper giving unreliable lectures and his notes. This was used during the first season and ended when Ryan Field left the show. Cast Season 1 *Nathaniel Siegler (as Nathan Burnbaum) *Haleigh Sheehan (as Zoe McLaughlan-Fernandez) *Kendra FitzRandolph (as Bridget Hendrickson) *Tony Del Rio (as William 'Tek' Gibson) *Ryan Field (as Kyle Copper) *Alithea Watters (as Carla Waller) *Shamba Amani (as Mr. Cooper) Season 2 *Nathaniel Siegler (as Nathan Burnbaum) *Haleigh Sheehan (as Zoe McLaughlan-Fernandez) *Kendra FitzRandolph (as Bridget Hendrickson) *Tony Del Rio (as William 'Tek' Gibson) *Owen Rotharmel (as Beau Peterson) Season 3 *Nathaniel Siegler (as Nathan Burnbaum) *Haleigh Sheehan (as Zoe McLaughlan-Fernandez) *Kendra FitzRandolph (as Bridget Hendrickson) *Owen Rotharmel (as Beau Peterson) *Rajiv Surendra (as Chuck Singh) *Jordan Dawe Season 4 *Haleigh Sheehan (as Zoe McLaughlan-Fernandez) *Owen Rotharmel (as Beau Peterson) *Connor Lynch (as Bobby Battleford) *Esmeralda Smith-Romero (as Samantha Briggs) *Nathan Stephenson (as James Alexander)