Students Working Against Great-Injustice

Students Working Against Great-Injustice (S.W.A.G.) is a one of the two student groups that are part of the Toronto District School Board. It is an organization which was founded by students with a common objective: informing the community on the theories of equity and aiding in the success of Toronto's youth. It's distinct perspective, garnered from experience and knowledge, has inspired it to impact sustainable positive change in Toronto. The group is dedicated to promoting and addressing issues of social justice and equity within the schools of the Toronto District School Board and the communities in which they lie. The organization also strives to raise funds for organizations with which is shares common ideals and for causes which empower students.


Students Working Against Great-Injustice (S.W.A.G.) is an organization which was founded by a group of students whilst on at a leadership camp at Algonquin Park. Of the hundreds of students which took part in the Focus on Youth Toronto (FOYT) of the TDSB, 25 students leaders were chosen to take part in a TDSB leadership camp at Algonquin Park. During these four days, the students didn't merely engage in amusing themselves but also discussed a wide variety of significant issues. As the camp came to an end, a group of these students came together to found this student group so as to put their words into action. All this was done with the guidance of Vladimir Vallecilla, a student equity program adviser.

Students Working Against Great-Injustice (S.W.A.G.) is a group made of students who advocate for their peers, focusing on issues of equity, equality, and human rights. It was founded by a group of students who were chosen to attend a leadership camp at Algonquin Park during the summer of 2008. This group has blossomed into a full-fledged team of devoted individuals set upon making a difference in the world, with local focus. S.W.A.G. is also devoted to helping out charitable causes and is doing so through organizing and hosting multiple charity events. Anything short of just and fair treatment of students is considered a great injustice and S.W.A.G. will work to create a more just environment in which students are treated with fairness and respect. We are an organization dedicated to the promotion and upholding of human rights within our community and beyond, founded in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We hold Article 26 of that declaration sacred and take it upon ourselves to ensure that it is followed within the context of the Toronto District School Board.

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