Students and Workers for the Liberation of UCLA Primates

The Students and Workers for the Liberation of UCLA Primates is an animal rights group that take direct action to try and stop primate experimentation at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The unknown group (or groups) use acts of sabotage against university and researchers property, resembling the damage of other animal rights groups, such as the Animal Liberation Front (ALF).
The campaign group first emerged on the 12th August 2008, when the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO) reported an anonymous communique claiming the theft of two UCLA vans. The name was then known to the wider public when the group claimed a second act of vandalism against a UCLA animal researchers car in October 2008.
Claiming to be students and workers at UCLA, those responsible in the communiques have shown concern over the use of tax money for primate experimentation, and disapproval of the new bill 2296,
Policy on violence
The groups policy on the use of violence is unknown, with so far only property coming under attack. However in a communique sent to the Animal Liberation Press Office in November 2008, the activists made the threat of violence stating: "Santa wished Lacan was in the car at the time the fuel ingnited, but hopefully he will be next time.".
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