Stroyent is a fictional nutrient fluid in the Quake universe. It is produced by the Strogg through the mulching of biomatter, including captured enemies (dead or alive) and possibly dead Strogg. Stroyent is used to nourish Strogg troops.
In game appearances
In the course of Quake II, the player encounters and shuts down a Stroyent processing plant.
Stroyent plays a larger role in the Quake 4 single player campaign. In addition to featuring the Stroyent Processing Creature as an enemy, Stroyent becomes a key part of the game mechanic after Kane's Stroggification, supplementing health packs and medics, both of which occur with less frequency toward the end of the game. Due to the nature of Stroyent Distribution Stations, they can be more efficient than health packs, as any excess health points that would increase health beyond maximum remain in the Station for later use.
Stroyent is dropped by Strogg technicians in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars to resupply a soldier's health and ammo.
Stroyent is produced by Stroyent Processing Creatures: large, sedentary beaked creatures that are force fed nutrients by the Strogg. It appears to be several times the size of a human, although it has a generally humanoid appearance with very few cybernetic augmentations visible, save a valve over it's mouth and its arms. The Stroyent Creature's arms have been replaced by deceptively fast hooks, which lend to a chicken-like appearance. These hooks can be propelled with surprising force and accuracy, and a single blow could easily kill a man. Its stomach is apparently augmented for maximum efficiency when digesting food, and is monitored by lesser Strogg from a control room of sorts. It doesn't appear to have the same level of brain-level control as Strogg soldiers, as it rejects being force fed when already at capacity, an amount of autonomy against its superiors that doesn't exist in lower Strogg. Its lower half is never seen, but it does have various exposed instestine-like organs that travel throughout the facility, presumably for distribution of Stroyent. In Quake 4, a Stroyent Processing Creature is destroyed when Matthew Kane force feeds the creature way beyond its safe capacity, rupturing its stomach and killing it.
Speculation Due to its color, composition, similar name and function, Stroyent is likely a reference to Soylent Green.