Streeter Seidell

Streeter Seidell (born December 2 1982 in New Haven, Connecticut) is an American humorist. He graduated from Fordham University in May 2005. He currently resides in New York.

Seidell is a senior writer at He has co-written a book with Jeff Rubin, Sarah Schneider, Amir Blumenfeld, Ethan Trex, and Ricky Van Veen titled The Collegehumor Guide to College: Selling Kidneys for Beer Money, Sleeping with Your Professors, Majoring in Communications, and Other Really Good Ideas (ISBN 0-525-94939-9) published by Penguin Group.

Seidell is also gaining recognition as a principal in a large-scale prank war between himself and his colleague Blumenfeld that has gained steam throughout 2007.

On Sept. 5, 2007, Seidell and his girlfriend were the victims of a prank perpetrated by Blumenfeld at a New York Yankees game, which is seemingly becoming an online viral video-sharing sensation. Unbeknownst to the couple, Blumenfeld arranged for the Yankee Stadium jumbotron screen to carry a marriage proposal to "Sharon" from "Streety Bird" during the game, while the couple were seated in the stadium. Blumenfeld sat in another part of the stadium while friends of his videotaped the couple from different angles. While Seidell stood in shock for a moment, his girlfriend said "yes" to the fake proposal, at which point he indicated he didn't want to marry her, and she responded by visibly slapping him and leaving the stadium. Soon Bluemenfeld phoned his "congratulations" and he eventually confirmed that the couple remained together despite the ordeal, which is said to be the sixth chapter of the Blumenfeld/Seidell Prank Wars. Seidell has yet to publicly comment on his plans or intentions for revenge.
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