Strange Frequencies Radio

Begun as a joint effort between Jason Korbus and Bobby Nelson, the co-founders of Toledo, Ohio based paranormal research and investigation team Phase 3 Paranormal, Strange Frequencies Radio is a 3 hour weekly paranormal themed podcast. Covering everything from ghosts and hauntings to cryptozoology, myths, legends, and conspiracy theories, the show is aimed at providing fun, informative, and opinionated broadcasts about the world of the bizarre.
Early Success and Guests
Strange Frequencies Radio gained prominence due to their early success at booking and interviewing top level guests in the paranormal field. Presiding Arch Bishop of the U.S. Old Catholic Church and Demonologist/Exorcist James Long, cryptozoologist and Ufologist Nick Redfern, world renowned skeptic and creator of the famous "Million Dollar Challenge" James Randi, and controversial psychic medium Chip Coffey are just a few of the guests which have been interviewed to date.
Upcoming guests that have been booked to appear include author and investigator Brad Steiger, Mothman Museum owner Jeff Wamsley, Near Death Experience (NDE) researcher Dr. Melvin Morse, and "Beast of Bray Road" author and investigator Linda Godfrey are just several names on their upcoming schedule.
Strange Frequencies Radio follows a loose 3 hour, 2 guest format. Using the first hour as typically a "free talk" segment, hosts Jason Korbus, Bobby Nelson, and Robyn McKinney discuss anything from recent news and notes in the paranormal community to answering listener questions, or providing education of different investigative techniques.
Chip Coffey Controversy
In late December 2008, after learning of an ongoing feud between Chip Coffey and California-based psychic Beatrice Marot, host Bobby Nelson referred to Mr. Coffey as a "prick."
Chip Coffey, cast member and psychic medium of A&E Network program "Paranormal State" happened to be listening at the time and quickly wrote in to the show to express his displeasure. Stating that information given on the show, from the rates he charges his clients to the situation with Ms. Marot herself was incorrect, Chip agreed to be a guest on the next recorded show.
On January 4 2009, Chip Coffey appeared on the program, gave his side of the story, and also addressed ongoing rumors and speculation about the legitimacy of "Paranormal State." Chip stated for the record that he is not briefed about any of the information regarding cases he is brought into, nor is he personally aware or have knowledge of any fakery on the set.
In an attempt to prove his sincerity, Chip Coffey made two offers to the crew. First, he proclaimed that on the next episode of "Paranormal State" that he tapes, he will make a concerted effort to alleviate any and all doubts by adamantly denying any foreknowledge as allegedly given to him by co-star Ryan Buell or anyone else including, of course, A&E show producers.
Secondly, Chip offered an attempt to provide on-set access to a future episode of "Paranormal State" for a crew member of Strange Frequencies Radio, including airfare. Details, currently, are TBA.
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