Story Time is a 2013 independent thriller directed by Robyn Minor. Adeline (Krystina Coyne) is a shy, socially awkward girl that happens to have a decent friend group. Adeline and her friends decide to take a weekend out to a cabin to get away from society. As the weekend continues slowly each of her friends are silently killed by a sinister, unseen enity. Soon Adeline can't tell what her reality really is. Plot The plot is in process. Cast * Krystine Coyne as Adeline * Tyler Casebolt as Peter * Sarah Ulrich as Reese * Alyssa Castronovo as Ava * Austin Berrelez as Drew * Alex Freundt as Joey * Megan Fox as Dream Girl/Lisa * Torrance Mebust as Steve * Nicole Ryan as Helen * Brett Nelson as Mr. Patterson/Head Doctor * Brittany Brunn as Adeline's mother/Nurse * Rose Watson as Nurse * Zach Ziemba as Gas station manager * Juan Sedonio as Boy in gas station * Brittney Delgado as Girl in gas station * Paige Bartuch as Twin #1 * Megan Bartuch as Twin #2 * Grady Flanary as Police officer #1 * Creighton Budris as Police officer #2 Production The film will begin production in in Summer of 2013. Production has not ended. Parts of the film were also shot in Wisconsin. The film is currently in pre-production. It was initially scheduled for release in Summer 2013, but is now set for Fall 2013 Reference # Minor, Robyn L. "Screenplays - Plot Summary." Wattpad. N.p., Nov. 2012. Web. Jan. 2013. # Screenplay by Robyn Minor. Dir. Robyn Minor. Prod. Krystina Coyne. Major Minor Productions, 2013. Script.