Stormy Weather (Miraculous episode)

"Stormy Weather" is the first episode of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir's First season. It first premiered on December 6, 2015 on Nickelodeon and February 10, 2017 on Netflix. Internationally, this episode first premiered in Korea, the first country to air the series, making it the first episode overall worldwide. This episode is also the first episode aired in France and other countries, but in the US, this aired as the third episode, after "The Bubbler" and "Mr. Pigeon".
In this Episode, After losing a contest to become a TV host on a children's channel, Aurore is transformed into Stormy Weather.
The scene starts with the finale of the KIDZ+ TV challenge to track down another climate young lady. Everything's down to two contenders: Mireille Caquet and Aurore Beauréal. The democratic is up to the watchers at home. While the opposition is broadcasting on the TV in Marinette's home, Manon Chamack, whom Marinette is looking after children, Marinette's telephone so she can decide in favor of Mireille. Marinette pursues Manon around the family room, attempting to get both her telephone and cap back from her. At the point when she makes one thing back, she loses the other. Tikki offers Marinette inspirational statements. The doorbell rings, and Marinette opens it to see Alya.
Alya reveals that Adrien is at the Place des Vosges for a photo shoot. This makes Marinette excited, but Manon appears, halting their gossip over Adrien. Alya offers to take care of Manon while Marinette goes to watch Adrien, but Marinette declines, stating that Manon is her responsibility. Manon runs off, grabbing pots and pans and making noise. Alya helps Marinette calm down Manon; she has experience with younger children due to her younger sisters, Ella and Etta Césaire. Manon is curious as to who Alya is, and Alya responds by saying she is a unicorn princess from the planet Rispa, currently in the form of a human. Alya picks up Manon, swinging her around in the air, before placing her on Marinette's shoulders. Together, the three of them head off to the park.
Back at the KIDZ+ studio, the votes are in: Mireille has won by a landslide with 82% of the votes. A devastated Aurore runs off the stage. Hawk Moth, in his lair, feels Aurore's anger and sends an akuma after her. The akuma finds Aurore in an elevator, embedding itself into her parasol. Hawk Moth proposes to make Aurore into the best weather girl the world has seen, so long as she can get Ladybug's and Cat Noir's Miraculouses, to which Aurore agrees. From the elevator emerges the purple and white supervillain, Stormy Weather.
Alya, Marinette, and Manon hide around a tree, watching Adrien's photo shoot at the Place des Vosges. Alya asks what Marinette is going to do, and this leads to Marinette fantasizing what her future with Adrien would be, mentioning her dreams and fictions for Adien including three children, a possible dog, and a definite hamster after replacing a cat. Alya calms her down, and they attempt to walk "casually" past the photo shoot. Alya points out that Adrien can't see them. When Marinette tries to turn around and start over, he spots them. Adrien waves, causing Marinette to wave in return and a large grin to appear on her face. Trophy in hand, Mireille enters an elevator heading down. Before she can reach her designated floor, Stormy Weather appears. Stormy Weather traps Mireille in the elevator, freezing it open with ice. She then runs off.
The episode returns to Adrien's photo shoot, the girls standing off to the side, watching. To encourage Adrien, the photographer, Vincent, has Adrien imagine his mother, Emilie, with a bowl of spaghetti and doing various things with said bowl (i.e. dropping it). Marinette cannot stop smiling, her mouth dropping open even after Alya reaches over and closes it. Manon is bored until she spots a man with Mireille balloons. Manon begs Marinette to buy her a balloon, having to scream at her to bring her out of her trance. This causes the photo shoot to halt and everyone to look at Marinette. Alya offers to take Manon to get the balloon, but with Manon stuck to Marinette's leg, Marinette leaves. Alya stays, and the photo shoot returns to normal.
Stormy Weather sashays out of the KIDZ+ studio to a crowd chanting Mireille's name. Angry that they still cheer for Mireille, Stormy Weather unleashes a wind storm on the people, blowing them and the metal railings away. Stormy Weather then takes off into the sky.
Back at the Place des Vosges, Marinette pays for a Mireille balloon, handing it to Manon. Manon grabs Marinette's hand and rushes off to the carousel. She guilt trips Marinette into staying with her when Alya arrives, informing Marinette that Adrien needs a female partner (he looks too lethargic for the photographer's taste). Marinette protests, stating that she has to stay with Manon, but Alya insists, taking Manon an
d jumping on the unicorn in the carousel. Alya distracts Manon, allowing Marinette to be with Adrien.
In the sky, Stormy Weather's flight is halted by a stray Mireille balloon. She looks down, finding the park vendor handing another one to a child. Stormy Weather makes her presence known by sending out another windstorm, blowing the people away. She then surrounds the carousel in thick ice, covering it entirely. Manon and Alya are trapped inside. Marinette runs off, hiding behind a park bench. She brings out Tikki and transforms into Ladybug.
Stormy Weather lands in the park, zapping the Mireille balloons with her parasol. Adrien sees this and takes off to find Plagg. Adrien pulls out a piece of Camembert, and the kwami flies to it. Wasting no time, Adrien transforms into Cat Noir.
Ladybug runs over to the carousel, determined to free Manon and Alya. Getting her yo-yo, she wraps it thrice around the ice and pulls, but the ice is way too slippery and smooth for her yo-yo to do anything. The yo-yo comes free, hitting Ladybug on her head, causing her to fall back. Getting up, she runs over to Manon and Alya, reassuring them that she will free both of them. Ladybug accidentally calls Manon by her name. She covers up her slip by saying Marinette found her and told her about Manon. Alya nods at the superhero, pulling Manon away--distracting her--as Ladybug runs off to find Stormy Weather.
Stormy Weather isn't far. Cat Noir stops her as she is leaving the Place des Vosges, throwing a few puns at her while he warns her to stop. Annoyed, she sends a gust of wind his way blowing him off the park's fence; over several buildings; and into four cars. Ladybug finds him splayed on the road and offers him a hand. He takes it, returning to his feet and kissing her hand. She pushes his face away, reminding him that they don't have time for his childish games.
Stormy Weather floats over to them, interrupting them. She points her parasol into the sky, causing clouds to appear over Paris. Lightning rains down, aimed at Cat Noir, but Ladybug rushes at him, knocking them both to the side. As they roll, Cat Noir ends up on top of Ladybug, and Cat Noir grins impishly at her. Ladybug is not amused, turning his head to remind him of the problem at hand. Cat Noir sprints towards Stormy Weather, but she freezes the road, making it slick. Sending yet another gust towards him, he is thrown backward.
Cat Noir only remains on the street due to Ladybug, who thought quickly and wrapped her yo-yo around a lamppost and grabbed his tail.
When the wind stops, the heroes fall. Cat Noir bounces back to his feet, ready to chase Stormy Weather, but Ladybug stops him, telling him to think before he leaps. Ladybug then runs up the side of a building. Cat Noir follows suit on the opposite side of the street. They jump off at the same time, swinging their weapons at Stormy Weather. She turns, blowing them and many cars several streets away. The two land, dodging the cars as they fall. Suddenly, a bus comes flying at them. Ladybug pulls Cat Noir close, swinging her yo-yo rapidly, as the bus falls on them. The yo-yo acts like a drill, leaving the two heroes safe inside the bus, other than Cat Noir accidentally getting hit on the head by Ladybug's yo-yo.
At the Place des Vosges, the weather becomes worse. Firefighters work with axes to dig Manon and Alya out, but the ice becomes thicker and more jagged. Alya cannot distract Manon from the fact the ice is groaning and pulls her back under the carousel, and the two girls show fear.
Stormy Weather halts her flight to speak with Hawk Moth. He determines that the world knows of her powers and that it is time for her to keep her end of the deal. He tells her about his plan.
Ladybug opens one of the bus's windows and holds on to Cat Noir's staff. Cat Noir lengthens it, allowing Ladybug to get out and pull him up afterward. A nearby digital billboard turns on, revealing Stormy Weather giving the weather. She casts all of France in eternal winter, and it begins to snow. Cat Noir brushes her threat off, stating that he would've looked good in a swimsuit. In the same tone, Ladybug responds that the cat suit is good enough. She knows where Stormy Weather is. Together, Cat Noir and Ladybug rush to the KIDZ+ studio.
When they arrive, Cat Noir points out a picture of Aurore, and the two realize that her parasol has the akuma in it. The two move along, running to the recording area, busting open the doors on the way. They find it empty and learn that the weather forecast was prerecorded. Laughing, Stormy Weather appears in the doorway behind Ladybug and Cat Noir. She aims a blast at the lights, taking out all of the lights in the building. A couple of them fall as she does this. Laughing, Stormy Weather runs off.
Meanwhile, the ice in Place des Vosges is becoming thicker, poking holes in the roof of the carousel. Alya pleads for Ladybug to hurry.
Ladybug stumbles, unable to find her way in the dark. Cat Noir grabs her hand, able to see due to his night vision. He leads her through the building and up two flights of stairs. Ladybug protests, but when she is hit with a fire extinguisher by Stormy Weather, she allows Cat Noir to continue leading her. They end up on the roof, Cat Noir holding Ladybug's hand. Stormy Weather cackles, releasing a cyclone around the building.
Ladybug moves to retaliate, finding her hand trapped. She glares at Cat Noir as he sheepishly grins, removing his hand. Stormy Weather sets hail onto the heroes. Cat Noir pulls Ladybug in front of him, raising his baton and twirling it in a circle, blocking the ice. Cat Noir complains that his arms are cramping. Ladybug uses Lucky Charm, and a bath towel appears, Ladybug wraps it around her arm. Looking around, she spots several pipes and a billboard. Ladybug tells Cat Noir to destroy the billboard.
Cat Noir prepares himself by using Cataclysm. He then taunts Stormy Weather, distracting her as he runs his hand along the billboard. It comes crashing down toward Stormy Weather. She blasts a hole in it with a bolt of lightning and Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around Stormy Weather's ankle. Ladybug takes off running under pipes and against a crane before jumping over an HVAC. Opening the towel, Ladybug soars into the air, pulling Stormy Weather down. The speed at which she falls and the angle of the crane cause her to lose her parasol. Cat Noir catches it, tossing it to Ladybug, who breaks it in half. Ladybug opens her yoyo, captures the akuma and purifies it. She throws the towel into the air, repairing all the damage that Stormy Weather had created and cleansing the city.
The storm rolls away, and the ice covering the carousel is gone. Alya and Manon are both safe and sound. Fist bumping after a job well done, the two heroes leave.
Back in the Place des Vosges, Adrien and the photographer are waiting for the lucky girl to show up. Tikki points this out, stating that Marinette deserves to be in that photo shoot. Manon spots Marinette and runs into her open arms. She reveals Marinette's secret: Marinette's the best friend of Ladybug, unbeknownst to her and everyone that she is the real superheroine Ladybug. Marinette agrees as Alya walks over. Handing Manon over to Alya, Marinette runs to the photographer, ready for the shoot. The photographer stops her, seeing Manon. Instead of Marinette, the rest of the shoot continues with Manon and Adrien, the two very happy and very adorable. Marinette sighs as Alya pats her on the back, comforting her.
Alya uncovers that Adrien is at the Place des Vosges for a photograph shoot. This makes Marinette energized, however Manon shows up, stopping their tattle over Adrien. Alya offers to deal with Manon while Marinette goes to watch Adrien, yet Marinette decreases, expressing that Manon is her obligation. Manon runs off, getting pots and skillet and making commotion. Alya helps Marinette quiet down Manon; she has insight with more youthful youngsters because of her more youthful sisters, Ella and Etta Césaire. Manon is interested with respect to who Alya is, and Alya reacts by saying she is a unicorn princess from the planet Rispa, right now as a human. Alya gets Manon, swinging her around noticeable all around, prior to putting her on Marinette's shoulders. Together, them three head off to the recreation center. Back at the KIDZ+ studio, the votes are in: Mireille has won by a surprising margin with 82% of the votes. A crushed Aurore runs off the stage. Bird of prey Moth, in his den, feels Aurore's outrage and sends an akuma after her. The akuma discovers Aurore in a lift, inserting itself into her parasol. Bird of prey Moth proposes to make Aurore into the best climate young lady the world has seen, insofar as she can get Ladybug's and Cat Noir's Miraculouses, to which Aurore concurs. From the lift arises the purple and white supervillain, Stormy Weather.
Alya, Marinette, and Manon cover up around a tree, watching Adrien's photograph take shots at the Place des Vosges. Alya asks what Marinette will do, and this prompts Marinette fantasizing what her future with Adrien would be, referencing her fantasies and fictions for Adien including three kids, a potential canine, and a distinct hamster in the wake of supplanting a feline. Alya quiets her down, and they endeavor to walk "nonchalantly" past the photograph shoot. Alya calls attention to that Adrien can't see them. At the point when Marinette attempts to pivot and begin once again, he spots them. Adrien waves, making Marinette wave consequently and a huge smile to show up all over. Prize close by, Mireille enters a lift heading down. Before she can contact her assigned floor, Stormy Weather shows up. Turbulent Weather snares Mireille in the lift, freezing it open with ice. She then, at that point runs off.
The scene gets back to Adrien's photograph shoot, the young ladies remaining out of the way, watching. To support Adrien, the picture taker, Vincent, has Adrien envision his mom, Emilie, with a bowl of spaghetti and doing different things with said bowl (for example dropping it). Marinette can't quit grinning, her mouth dropping open even after Alya comes to over and closes it. Manon is exhausted until she detects a man with Mireille inflatables. Manon asks Marinette to get her an inflatable, shouting at her to deliver her once again from her daze. This causes the photograph shoot to end and everybody to take a gander at Marinette. Alya offers to take Manon to get the inflatable, yet with Manon adhered to Marinette's leg, Marinette leaves. Alya stays, and the photograph shoot gets back to business as usual.
Turbulent Weather sashays out of the KIDZ+ studio to a group reciting Mireille's name. Furious that they actually cheer for Mireille, Stormy Weather releases a breeze storm on individuals, blowing them and the metal railings away. Turbulent Weather then, at that point takes off into the sky.
Back at the Place des Vosges, Marinette pays for a Mireille swell, giving it to Manon. Manon gets Marinette's hand and surges off to the merry go round. She guilt trips Marinette into remaining with her when Alya shows up, educating Marinette that Adrien needs a female accomplice (he looks excessively dormant for the picture taker's taste). Marinette fights, expressing that she needs to remain with Manon, however Alya demands, taking Manon an
d bouncing on the unicorn in the merry go round. Alya occupies Manon, permitting Marinette to be with Adrien.
In the sky, Stormy Weather's flight is ended by a wanderer Mireille swell. She peers down, discovering the recreation center merchant giving another to a kid. Blustery Weather spreads the word about her essence by conveying another windstorm, blowing individuals away. She then, at that point encompasses the merry go round in thick ice, covering it totally. Manon and Alya are caught inside. Marinette runs off, taking cover behind a recreation center seat. She brings out Tikki and changes into Ladybug.
Blustery Weather terrains in the recreation center, destroying the Mireille inflatables with her parasol. Adrien sees this and takes off to discover Plagg. Adrien pulls out a piece of Camembert, and the kwami travels to it. Burning through no time, Adrien changes into Cat Noir.
Ladybug goes to the merry go round, resolved to free Manon and Alya. Getting her yo-yo, she folds it threefold over the ice and pulls, yet the ice is excessively dangerous and smooth for her yo-yo to do anything. The yo-yo comes free, hitting Ladybug on her head, making her fall back. Getting up, she goes to Manon and Alya, consoling them that she will free the two of them. Ladybug unintentionally calls Manon by her name. She conceals her sneak past saying Marinette discovered her and educated her concerning Manon. Alya gestures at the superhuman, pulling Manon away- - diverting her- - as Ladybug runs off to discover Stormy Weather.
Blustery Weather isn't far. Feline Noir stops her as she is leaving the Place des Vosges, tossing a couple of jokes at her while he cautions her to stop. Irritated, she sends a whirlwind his way brushing him off the recreation center's fence; more than a few structures; and into four vehicles. Ladybug discovers him spread out and about and offers him a hand. He takes it, getting back to his feet and kissing her hand. She drives his face away, advising him that they don't possess energy for his adolescent games.
Turbulent Weather buoys over to them, intruding on them. She focuses her parasol into the sky, making mists show up over Paris. Lightning downpours down, focused on Cat Noir, yet Ladybug surges at him, thumping them both aside. As they roll, Cat Noir winds up on top of Ladybug, and Cat Noir smiles deviously at her. Ladybug isn't delighted, turning his head to help him to remember the current issue. Feline Noir runs towards Stormy Weather, yet she freezes the street, making it smooth. Sending one more blast towards him, he is tossed in reverse.
Feline Noir just remaining parts in the city because of Ladybug, who thought rapidly and wrapped her yo-yo around a light post and got his tail.
At the point when the breeze stops, the legends fall. Feline Noir ricochets back to his feet, prepared to pursue Stormy Weather, however Ladybug stops him, advising him to think before he jumps. Ladybug then, at that point runs up the side of a structure. Feline Noir goes with the same pattern on the contrary side of the road. They hop off simultaneously, swinging their weapons at Stormy Weather. She turns, blowing them and numerous vehicles a few roads away. The two land, avoiding the vehicles as they fall. Abruptly, a transport comes flying at them. Ladybug pulls Cat Noir close, swinging her yo-yo quickly, as the transport falls on them. The yo-yo behaves like a drill, leaving the two legends protected inside the transport, other than Cat Noir inadvertently getting hit on the head by Ladybug's yo-yo.
At the Place des Vosges, the climate turns out to be more regrettable. Firemen work with tomahawks to uncover Manon and Alya, however the ice gets thicker and more barbed. Alya can't divert Manon from the reality the ice is moaning and pulls her back under the merry go round, and the two young ladies show dread.
Blustery Weather ends her trip to talk with Hawk Moth. He discovers that the world is aware of her forces and that it is the ideal opportunity for all her part of the bargain. He educates her concerning his arrangement.
Ladybug opens one of the transport's windows and clutches Cat Noir's staff. Feline Noir protracts it, permitting Ladybug to get out and pull him up subsequently. A close by computerized board turns on, uncovering Stormy Weather giving the climate. She projects all of France in everlasting winter, and it starts to snow. Feline Noir forgets about her danger, expressing that he would've glanced great in a bathing suit. In a similar tone, Ladybug reacts that the feline suit is adequate. She knows where Stormy Weather is. Together, Cat Noir and Ladybug hurry to the KIDZ+ studio.
At the point when they show up, Cat Noir calls attention to an image of Aurore, and the two understand that her parasol has the akuma in it. The two move along, racing to the account region, busting open the entryways coming. They think that its exhaust and discover that the climate gauge was prerecorded. Chuckling, Stormy Weather shows up in the entryway behind Ladybug and Cat Noir. She points an impact at the lights, taking out the entirety of the lights in the structure. A few them fall as she does this. Snickering, Stormy Weather runs off.
In the interim, the ice in Place des Vosges is getting thicker, punching holes in the top of the merry go round. Alya argues for Ladybug to rush.
Ladybug staggers, unfit to discover her way in obscurity. Feline Noir gets her hand, ready to see because of his night vision. He drives her through the structure and up two stairways. Ladybug fights, however when she is hit with a fire douser by Stormy Weather, she permits Cat Noir to keep driving her. They end up on the rooftop, Cat Noir holding Ladybug's hand. Blustery Weather chortles, delivering a tornado around the structure.
Ladybug moves to fight back, discovering her hand caught. She scowls at Cat Noir as he timidly smiles, eliminating his hand. Turbulent Weather sets hail onto the legends. Feline Noir pulls Ladybug before him, raising his mallet and spinning it's anything but a circle, impeding the ice. Feline Noir gripes that his arms are squeezing. Ladybug utilizes Lucky Charm, and a shower towel shows up, Ladybug folds it over her arm. Glancing around, she detects a few lines and a board. Ladybug reveals to Cat Noir to annihilate the board.
Feline Noir sets himself up by utilizing Cataclysm. He then, at that point insults Stormy Weather, diverting her as he runs his hand along the board. It comes smashing down toward Stormy Weather. She shoots an opening in it's anything but an electrical jolt and Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around Stormy Weather's lower leg. Ladybug takes off running under pipes and against a crane prior to bouncing over a HVAC. Opening the towel, Ladybug takes off into the air, pulling Stormy Weather down. The speed at which she falls and t
* Internationally, this episode first premiered in Korea, the first country to air the series, making it the first episode overall worldwide.
** This episode is also the first episode aired in France and other countries, but in the US, this aired as the third episode, after "The Bubbler" and "Mr. Pigeon".
* Tumblr user jep2k3, a storyboard artist for the show, posted a couple GIFs of a scene he boarded for this episode.
* As a Christmas gift for Miraculous Ladybug fans in 2015, Thomas Astruc released a complete storyboard version of this episode to YouTube.
* In the Korean version, Alya is a unicorn princess from the Nespar Kingdom.
* In the French version, Stormy Weather is called "Climatika."
* This is the first episode that doesn't have an end card.
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