Stevie Hughes

Stevie Hughes was a Charlestown Mob assassin along with his brother Cornelius Hughes. He and his brother were reputedly among the most feared hitmen of the 1960s.

He is reputed to have been a member of The McLaughlin Brothers gang and later worked for Samuel Lindenbaum. He is the father of the convicted Charlestown, Massachusetts bank robber Steven Hughes Jr. born in 1954. In January of 1980 after he was paroled from prison for armed robbery he vowed to seek revenge against his father and uncle's alleged murderers James J. Bulger and Steve Flemmi. Bulger and Flemmi ambushed him as he opened the trunk of the car to retrieve groceries. They had been waiting across the street from the cooperative housing development where Steve Hughes Jr. was living. The interior trunk light provided just the necessary amount of light to center their aim on him.

Both his bodyguard and chauffer, Samuel Lindenbaum and Steve Hughes were shot dead on September 23 1966 while driving through Middleton, Massachusetts.
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