Statian Rummy

Statian Rummy is a variation within the larger family of rummy-based games. It shares most of the basic characteristics of many other rummys. It originated on Sint Eustatius (Statia) in the Netherlands Antilles.
1. Each player is dealt five cards from the deck.
2. The remaining cards are placed face-down in the center of the table. This is the draw pile.
3. The top card is placed face-up next to the draw pile. This is the discard pile.
4. Players may draw from either the draw or discard pile. In either case only the top card may be drawn, and only one card may be drawn per turn.
5. If the draw pile runs out, turn the discard pile face-down. That becomes the new draw pile. The next player to discard creates a new discard pile.
6. Every player must have exactly 5 cards at all times during the game, except immediately after drawing a new card and before discarding one.
7. To win, a player must arrange a four-card straight in his or her hand. The straight must be of alternating suits; spades and hearts OR clubs and diamonds. Spades cannot go with diamonds, and clubs cannot go with hearts.
8. When a player receives the necessary straight to win, they must discard before going out (so that they have exactly five cards in their hand).
9. A player may not go out if the fifth card in their hand is the same as any card in their straight. If it is, they must wait until they discard that card to go out.
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