St. Canard

St. Canard is a fictional city which appears in Disney's animated television series Darkwing Duck. St. Canard is the home of Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn Mallard and most of their supporting cast. It is in or adjacent to the fictional state of Calisota, the setting of other Disney cartoon cities.

A city of skyscrapers, St. Canard is located on the edge of Audubon Bay. Audubon Bay is named after the ornithologist John James Audubon. The Audubon Bay Bridge connects St. Canard to Duckburg, the residence of most of the Ducktales gang. Darkwing Duck's secret headquarters sit on the top of the Audubon Bay Bridge.

Various members of Darkwing's gallery of rogues have tried to conquer St. Canard. The Fearsome Five came very close, ruling it for about one to three days. However, St. Canard was eventually overcome, not by the villains, but by Darkwing himself; in an alternate future, Darkwing Duck becomes DarkWarrior Duck, a crazed, and deadly version of his original identity. Prompted by the disappearance of his daughter Gosalyn, DarkWarrior rules the city with an iron fist. This alternate future was apparently destroyed altogether when Gosalyn and her unintending 'kidnappers', Quackerjack and Megavolt, returned to the present day of the series.

The city's name comes from the French word canard which means "duck".

St. Canard bears a passing resemblace to Batman's Gotham City, and can be considered a light-hearted spoof.
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