Squeakinge Lisard

The Squeakinge Lisard, as it was called, is an extinct species of iguana that was found on the island of Nevis. The iguana was reportedly 5 feet long, 1 foot "thick". The scales were a mix of black, green, and gold, and their mouth was full of sharp teeth and a thick tongue. Apparently, the lizard resembled a fish, and therefore was also dubbed Land Pike. Caesar Rochefort, who also made engravings of these strange creatures in 1649, stated that they move on land in a manner similar to snakes, but do have four, very weak, legs. Most of the "lisards" were very unafraid of humans and were easily killed, eventually causing their extinction, though it took three shots to kill one. The Caribs way of hunting them was to stick sharp sticks up the animal's nose. The meat from the iguana was said to be "luscious", but should not be eaten often because it was so rich.
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