Sovereign order of the knights of orient

The sovereign order of the knights of orient (SOKOR) is a mainly religious order with a ecumenic impression
the great master of the order is H.S.H Leonardo Salomone Prince of the Holy roman empire of orient
--------------------------story of the order--------------------------------------
The order has his roots in a old philosophic congregation well-known has society of ormus
and the followers were called "the sage of the light " later on they evolve into the" school of science of Salomon". after saladin took Gerusalem in the year 1188 a.d. the followers founded the knights of orient.the famous philosopher and alchemist raimondo lullo(1235-1316 )was a member of it, and he iniziate to his mistery, Henry III, the son of the king of England.
Within the story the knights of orient were often identify has the rosencrus of orient,the knights of the eagle,of the sword or simply has the knights templar of orient.The figure of the knights of orient were often reminded in several secret society,but the order was hand down silently in the patriarcal way from the noble princely Salomone family.the knights of orient never seek to seculary power but are involved into the conquist of the pureness and the spirituality.the teaching of the order seek the universal knowledge for the self and god realization
in the year 1998 a.d.with a decree of his hightness the order was renew without changing his foundamental phylosophy this decree was legalized in london the 17 of june 2002 by the principal secretary of the majesty of the united kingdom and northen ireland.At the momement the seat of the order is in Italy with extension offices in several country
bibliography:il libro della natura curiosità del secolo XVIII Vincenzo Soro,Editrice atanor 1921
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