South High Marathon Dance

The South High Marathon Dance (SHMD) is an annual charitable fundraiser held in South Glens Falls, New York. Since 1978, students in the town's eponymous high school perform a 28-hour dance marathon, drawing donations from sponsor pledges. It is normally held the first weekend in March every year. In 2009, State Senator Roy McDonald recognized the 32nd annual event with a proclamation saying, "This event is truly emblematic of what young people can do to make a significant difference in their communities."
The first SHMD in 1978 benefited the local Emergency Squad, who received the $1,500 raised by 50 dancers. In 2009, the marathon earned $260,020 which is a record going back 32 years. In 2010, the dance began on March 4 with a 2004 recipient, Karen Bailey who is recovering from cancer, reading a speech which addressed some of the difficulties this year's dance faced to include the death of faculty, alumni and sponsors. Despite the 2010 economy, the marathon raised $283,407 for 24 individuals or charities.
Benefit charities
The dance has donated money which helps local community members and charities. A partial list includes the following needs or charities:
* handicapped-accessible vans;
* organ transplants;
* motorized wheelchairs;
* vacations for terminally ill community members and their families,
* Caritas
* Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
The students at South High organize and manage the SHMD, electing a student committee to choose themes and beneficiaries of the fundraiser. The student committee also elects four students as chair members to do more of the political part of the dance. The wider community attends as spectators bring in additional funds by purchasing snacks and other items and participating in live and silent auctions. The dance begins at 7 p.m. on Friday night. Festivities end with the awarding of prizes for dancing and fundraising as well as the conclusion of the raffle and live auctions. The SHMD's finale is a choreographed dance performed by the student body.
In 2009, State Senator Roy McDonald presented students and staff a proclamation co-sponsored by Elizabeth Little recognizing the 32nd annual South High Marathon Dance.<ref name=nysenategov050509/>
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