Sona Babai

Sona Babai () (born 1901) is an Iranian who became an American citizen on 25 October, 2006, at the age of 105.
Born in 1901 in a 400-person village in north-western Iran called Gharabagh, Babai grew up helping her family about the house and never learned how to read or write. In 1913, she married Mokhtar Babai. They had 10 children and eventually moved and lived together in Tehran until Mokhtar Babai's death in 1991 (he was 103 at the time). Babai immigrated to the US in 2000 and currently lives with her sons Antoine and Eddie in Palm Desert, California.
Coachella Valley Immigration Service and Assistance Inc. excused her from the language and civic tests required of most potential citizens. When asked what she was going to do as a citizen, she replied: "I'm an American. I'm going to vote."
Babai was the fourth oldest person in the American history to ever naturalize.
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