The website is a global knowledge-based web portal for solar thermal professionals, officially launched in 2009.
Managed by the International Copper Association, the website is a knowledge management system, offering the latest news and background information on the development of the international solar thermal sector.
The concept and development of the was based on the UNEP and UNDP Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative. This global initiative intends to accelerate the global commercialisation and market transformation of solar water heating, thereby reducing the current use of electricity and fossil fuels for hot water preparation in a number of selected countries.
The project aims to boost the development of solar thermal energy, by providing relevant information on existing solar thermal markets. This information should help setting-up a solar thermal market in countries or regions not having such structures currently.
This unique website forms a worldwide forum for experts on solar thermal technology and those interested in the development of the market. The objective is, hence, to ensure successful market growth in the solar thermal sector by sharing first class examples from around the world.
Content of the Website
Based on the above mentioned, a knowledge management system was conceived around three axes:
*Six Pillars for Market Success: This area focuses on various aspects to be taken into account when developing or setting-up a solar thermal activity: Awareness Raising; Certification; Finance and Incentives; Policy; Standards; Training and Education
*Market Sectors: Nine market sectors, reflecting solar thermal applications, have been identified:
**Air Heating
**District Heating
**Domestic Hot Water and Heating
**Heat Storage
**Pool Heating
**Process Heat
**Solar Cooling
**Solar Thermal Power
**Water Treatment/Desalination
*Geographic Search Facility: Based on the five continents, a geographic search facility has been created.
Features of the Website
Besides daily news and stories on the above mentioned pillars and market sectors, the also features:
*Calendar of Events
*Global Solar Thermal Directory
*Incentive Programme Database
*Thematic Forum

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