
Softwarelint is an Indian-based website that focuses on sharing the world of technology with its users. The website was created by Deep Singhal, based out of Meerut, India. Now designer, developer and CEO, Deep is committed to Softwarelint in the capacity that it offers reviews, news, and other quality information regarding technology such as computers, software, smart phones and more.
Staff members of are based around the world including India, Russia and the Philippines. The staff members are all experts within a different field. This is done so that professional user reviews are available for the visitors to the website. The audience is regularly growing, therefore new partners are always being sought out to provide expert reviews and all times.
There is no cost to access information on the site. All information is presented in such a way that site visitors can read what they wish to, click on links, watch videos and choose from various affiliate marketing banners to gain access to other forms of technology being advertised on the site.
The site was created November 2011 by Deep Singhal. Described as an up and coming software developer and web designer, Singhal had a vision to create a website that allowed people to get technology information that was up to date. Singhal is the CEO of the company as well as the main developer of the website.
Since the inception of the site, thousands of users have been logging on every day to gain access to the reviews of software, websites, apps and much more. Singhal himself has over 12,000 followers on Facebook and the site’s design makes it possible for users to follow all the writers and developers that are employed by
Affiliate marketing banners are being added throughout the internet to drive more traffic to the site. Facebook and Twitter have been connected into the site, providing a social media feel that will also establish a wider fan base of the company.
Softwarelint Staff
Softwarelint features a staff from different parts of the world. With staff members from Asia, Europe, and even in the United States of America - Softwarelint has proven to be a global community. They may be far and thousands of miles away, but the staff works as a cohesive unit that has proven through Softwarelint’s existence that they can get the job done perfectly.
With Deep Singhal as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), he has a solid and stellar staff working alongside him. His Editor-in-Chief, Aki Eniego, is in charge of eyeing over all the content that gets produced by the stellar writers on the team. Chris-Erik Fotland is the Head Writer for Game reviews, providing great insights on the latest games today. Bikash Dash is also a writer who specializes in Social Media news; Sven Luiv and Mikel Wai round up the Writers division of Softwarelint.
Tanya Selyutina serves as the Chief Adviser for Softwarelint - often giving Deep Singhal some key insights on what else to improve on for the website. Soumya Ranjan Bishi is the resident Graphic Designer/Web Developer in charge of making the crisp logos and banners of Softwarelint, among other things.

Future Expansions is being driven by Deep Singhal, who has had a vision to offer more to the average consumer from a very young age. The website is continuously growing as the consumer demands more. What started out as a product review site has already grown into blogs, e-books, download sitesand a large amount of other content.
The website has established itself as a free content website and there are no plans to start charging site visitors for access to any of the site’s information. The access to YouTube videos, reviews, blogs and everything else is complementary.
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