The term software company could be applied to: a) a company that produces software, distributes software from a third party, or provides services such as custom software development.
Early Software companies Early software was often written by early hardware companies, at least until commodity hardware such as the IBM PC came to market.
*Kerlon Technologies *Bitscape *AxiemTek *Digital Equipment Corporation *IBM *Kanbay *UNIVAC *Cullinane Corporation *Cincom *Software Ag *Pansophic *Adpac *ADR *MSA *MRI *UCC *System Simulation Ltd *Infotech Systems, Inc. *Allocent, Inc. *McCormick & Dodge *Rath & Strong *Platinum technology, inc. *BMC *Boole & Babbage *Nex-G Exuberant Solutions *Softech, Inc. *Technosoft Corporation *indriyum *Softserve Ltd *Initiotech Software Solutions *Netsloop Infocom Pvt Ltd *PERFORMICT
Early PC Software companies *Ashton-Tate *Borland *Peter Norton *VisiCorp *WordPerfect *WordStar