
Kimetrica, founded in 2006, is located in Nairobi, Kenya. The company started as a specialized consulting company focused supporting non-profit organizations working in Africa with knowledge management solutions. Most of the company's early work was in supporting governments, donors and humanitarian organizations with bespoke software solutions to help better manage development and humanitarian projects.
The emergence of cloud computing has allowed small African start-up companies, like Kimetrica, to capitalize on emerging information technology and this has enabled for the rapid development of the Africa based software companies with a global reach . As internet services have increased across Africa, Kimetrica has increasingly focused on developing commercial and custom web-based software for development and humanitarian project management. The company’s strategy to provide software as a service to organizations based in remote locations has quickly grown. In 2011, Kimetrica launched Ki-projects to address the need for organizations to better manage activities that are bigger than just making profits, and who need to know more than just the bottom line. USAID’s popular population estimation tool - Population Explorer - was developed by Kimetrica in 2005.
The company is privately held.
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